Porn Battle VII (The Seven Deadly Sins)

Jan 25, 2009 18:48

Porn Battle VII (The Seven Deadly Sins) IS A GO

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challenge: porn battle, challenge

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I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought black_eyedgirl January 28 2009, 05:01:11 UTC
Shawn learnt, long ago, that the important thing is not having a goal, or a life-plan, or anything else they told you that you needed in the self-help seminars (Shawn once spent two weeks reviewing them for a magazine titled ‘National Wellbeing’). No, the important thing is to always be just one step ahead. Of everyone: the police, his father, employers, potential sex-buddies… Any more than one step, and life got boring fast. One step, and you always had the element of surprise ( ... )


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought ficwize January 28 2009, 05:25:59 UTC
Hot, loved this, LOVED Gus!


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought khirsah January 28 2009, 21:22:58 UTC
This was PERFECT. You got the zany feel of the show and perfectly nailed their voices. Great work.


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought black_eyedgirl February 2 2009, 21:23:01 UTC
That was my first go with the fandom, so that's great to hear, thanks :)


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought black_eyedgirl February 2 2009, 21:21:46 UTC
*g* Gus is fab. Glad you liked!


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Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought black_eyedgirl February 2 2009, 21:25:35 UTC
*g* I have only recently entered the fandom, but I've been hearing this, yeah! Glad you liked :D


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought pocky_slash January 28 2009, 06:18:39 UTC
Oh my gosh! Okay, first of all, I firmly believe the world needs 200% more Shawn/Gus, at least and this is a good step in the right direction! Also, I am watching Psych right now and, oh, my heart, I love these two. ♥

That being said, this was hilarious and hot and made me both laugh and go "awwww!" over and over again. I loved Gus taking over at the end and... awww. It's so them :D Great job!


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought black_eyedgirl February 2 2009, 21:35:31 UTC
:) I'm fairly open in my Psych shipping right now (just started watching) but I remembered reading somewhere that there was too little Shawn/Gus, so it seemed like a good start. Plus: very very cute *G*

Thanks for commenting!


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought misura January 28 2009, 21:00:10 UTC
Gah - these two are just so ... squeal-inspiring! Loved the blow-up llama, and Shawn's approach to life, romance and everything. <3


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought black_eyedgirl February 2 2009, 21:38:43 UTC
Aw, thank you. They're so much fun to write!


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought trixxanna January 30 2009, 08:10:37 UTC
so very Shawn ^_^


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought black_eyedgirl February 2 2009, 21:40:20 UTC
*g* Thank you!


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought trascendenza December 30 2009, 03:39:24 UTC
Oh, this is great -- I love their back and forth, and I could totally hear them speaking in my head.

“You planned farther than semi-nakedness, right?”

“I’ll have you know I planned at least as far as full nakedness.”


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