one shot, one beer, and a kiss before i go

Sep 09, 2007 15:15

i may or may not have had half a pitcher or margarita with lunch yesterday, and spent my entire evening in a hangover-adjacent state of complete and utter uselessness. i watched a million hours of disney channel, including the high school musical 2 dance-a-long. um. for all hours i've spent sleeping in the last 2 weeks, i feel like i could ( Read more... )

crazy cat lady, wretch

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Comments 9

itealaich September 9 2007, 19:22:51 UTC
FRANKIE NOOOOOO! Get better, Frankie!!

I realized a day or two ago that every cat I've seen since I got my kittens has been huge. Apparently, I've fooled myself into thinking that my kittens are full-grown.


(Glad Pippin stopped his hissery.)


foxxcub September 9 2007, 19:24:32 UTC
Oh my gosh, I have a cat named Pippin, too. :D


overloved September 9 2007, 20:15:01 UTC


provetheworst September 9 2007, 19:57:20 UTC
i hope frankie is okay! kittums :(

in other news, chicago can't stop seeming like such an amazing place to live, it just can't help it 8)


franklymydear September 10 2007, 02:22:55 UTC
I keep writing that letter to Chicago too, except trade East Coast for West, and then I tell myself, "But can I REALLY stand those godawful Midwest winters and those incredibly humid summers? Oh noes" just to convince myself a little more. But considering I've also been thinking about moving to Alaska, I'm not so sure that's a valid excuse any more. Lol.


new_evolution September 10 2007, 11:51:59 UTC
Oh man, that second picture. Mikey looks all exhausted and cadaverous, and the cat's like "DEAR LORD WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME"


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