
Aug 12, 2006 13:01

this has been one hell of a week, or month for that matter. anyways so i went out to buy my 572685762897 books i need to get (<3 aury for telling me which ones) and only 1 is in stock. hurray. on the upside it was lies my bitch told me, the piece of shit i need to do work from. so i set aside some time to do the work, and then i realize...the ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

fluffy_kid August 12 2006, 20:12:04 UTC
joey im in total shock dude.

oh wait you speed read.

well the writing journal sucks dick.
write 10 entries per chapter, make it substantial. cover patterns, epiphanies, lots of thought exploding questions, t.o.k kinda shit.

theres an essay idk what it is but im about to do it later tonight.
lol dude if your starting from scrath im amazed.

oh annotate what you find inyour book.


khalilahmadi August 12 2006, 22:36:27 UTC
I'm so fucked with school
I'm just going to get everything done, but I'm not going into depth
Get on!!! I need my slacker buddy


yours2break August 13 2006, 03:11:53 UTC
awwwwww I've been trying to contact you forever!!! :( but I'm glad you got it at all haha man <3333333 we must hang out when you have a free weekend :D (fucking IB) ily!! :)

go online sometime!!!


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