My Dog Is Smarter Than A Lab Rat

Nov 11, 2009 14:17

You know those experiments in which lab rats are trained to press a lever or pedal in order to get a piece of food? Hold that thought ( Read more... )

jackson, dogs

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Comments 14

parzi November 11 2009, 22:31:33 UTC
Well, on the plus side, you can always become a minor Youtube sensation with a video of something like that.


hyrkanian November 11 2009, 22:35:14 UTC
But he's so *cute* :) How could you resist? :)


suricattus November 11 2009, 22:36:39 UTC
So I suppose cooing "aw, whooooose a smart boy then?" would not go over well? *grin*

(hey, this is a dog that got his nose into my half-open travel kit; he's got a real nose for trouble...)


gumbypuppy November 11 2009, 22:45:58 UTC
I have a dog who, feeling a mite peckish one day while I was at work; bit in half the plastic buckle of the collar I had through the handles of a cupboard to hold it shut, removed the collar and opened the cupboard, pulled out the Vittles Vault, unscrewed and removed the lid from that, and ate her fill of cat food. Dog & cat food Vittles Vaults are now behind a door, she hasn't found a way around doorknobs yet.

I wouldn't dare try one of those pedal operated wastebaskets. That wouldn't even give her a good mental workout. I'm just glad she hasn't got opposable thumbs.


otterdance November 11 2009, 22:47:20 UTC


riseaboveflame November 13 2009, 00:14:32 UTC
This gave me the laugh I needed today. XD Darn rain has flooded most of our streets and closed down most of the businesses around here. :(


gumbypuppy November 13 2009, 15:16:31 UTC
Well, my dog could probably figure out how to open them. Particularly if they are businesses containing food. Opening is what she does. I figure if she did have opposable thumbs, she'd eat all my food, break out of the house, pick the neighbor's locks and eat all of THEIR food. She could probably give Seregil & Alec lessons in lock picking.


gatehorse November 11 2009, 23:45:27 UTC
LOL, Tucker is the same way. He LOVES chewing trash, so my parents bought a can with a locking lid for the kitchen. For the bathroom, we just keep the wastebasket on top of the toilet.


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