Title: Mixed-Up Sign
Prompt: #365 - 'curse' at
femslash100Fandom: Orphan Black
Pairing: Alison/Sarah, Alison/Beth
Rating: PG
Word count: 200
A/N: This is mostly introspective, as I don't think I quite have a handle on them all yet.
Summary: Alison dislikes Sarah for more reasons than she'd care to admit.
Alison doesn't know whether she's coming or going anymore. So many things Beth never told her. Beth, who'd seemed the strongest of them all, and now she's dead and gone, her death unrecorded because of her. The idiot who walked into all their lives without understanding a thing and shattered them.
Yet, there's something between them. As there was with Beth, Alison is drawn to Sarah, drawn to back her up. To let Sarah slip under her skin with words like I have a daughter, or the terror in her eyes after Helena.
It's all Alison can do not to tell her she'll kiss it and make it all better. To find out if Sarah is different than Beth (to find out if Cosima was right that they all taste the same under the skin).
Sarah almost destroyed their lives--could still do so, with her unwitting flailing around. Fiercely, Alison tells herself that, even as she curses Beth for not being able to stick with it, for giving in and letting the world go on without her.
Perhaps that's the real reason Alison wants Sarah; to fill a void she hadn't expected to find.
It's something Alison can't forgive.