'Ello Everyone!
Just wanted to say that I'll be trying my best to make this community active again! I've been really busy with school (I'm sure we can all understand that ^^"), sports, homework, and housework lately, so please bear with me m(_ _)m
My goal is to post at least one subbed vid a week, so look forward to it ;D
Somes future projects will be
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Comments 8
Yay! Just be Friends! It's such nice, catchy song. Though, the lyrics are sad, ;_; Can't wait until you sub it, ^_^ Just wondering, who is your favorite Vocaloid character/singer?
When I think of something, I'll definitely request in your request thread, ^^
I guess my favorite Vocaloid would be Megurine Luka... since I really don't know any of the others xD" do you have a favorite? ^.^
and i saw your request :D thanks >w<" (yay cosmic world <3)
Vocaloid has such a big family, lol. I like Kaito and Miku. Miku always carries that cute celery stick with her, xD
No problem! I love this song, too, <3 It's such a nice song by them. Although, I'm sorry I couldn't find a higher quality video. It was the only one I could find, (>_<)
the Vocaloid family really is huge xD" I tried looking all of them up once but there were so many @_@ I like Miku too though :D The first time I saw a picture of her, it was with a leek xD so random~
and no worries about the link you gave me :D Its pretty HQ ^.^ Im rather excited to sub it lol xD
Haha, now I should think of something to put on your request list, XPPP.
Looking forward to the two songs you are going to sub ^^
Generally, I like being busy, but i didnt like neglecting the community >.< It feels nice to sub again xD
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