Lazy Saturday

Nov 16, 2019 22:24

Finally saw Booksmart tonight. Unfortunately, I think the hype machine might have oversold it to me. I was hoping for some laugh out loud funny. BUT I did love the story and the relationships and the conclusion it all came to about how everyone in high school is an actual person and not just some stereotype. And I like that the ultimate goal was ( Read more... )

tv_shows, movies, netflix

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Comments 15

trepkos November 17 2019, 09:52:05 UTC
I've never had a really close female friendship either. Close male friendships, yes.


_profiterole_ November 17 2019, 13:13:52 UTC
I was disappointed by Booksmart. I can't even see where the hype came from.


orangerful November 17 2019, 18:29:58 UTC
Yeah, I feel like the hype must have all originated with a kind of "girl power" feel since it was written, directed and starred women. And I did appreciate that the goal wasn't to get laid, which I always felt was the crux of far too many high school comedies. But it didn't feel "revolutionary" as the box claimed.


eiffels November 17 2019, 15:14:02 UTC
Glow has been on my list for ages! Would you recommend it?


orangerful November 17 2019, 18:24:32 UTC
YES! It took me a few episodes to get into it, but it is much smarter than it looks from the outside.


blakmagjick November 17 2019, 18:17:23 UTC
I only had one girl friend in highschool...and didn't really have GOOD girl friends until I moved to CA. Aleena and Devon are a whole different level for me...and they are just in the last couple years. *hugs*


orangerful November 17 2019, 18:28:46 UTC
Yeah, I lost touch with most of my high school friends pretty quick and then in college I never really made any new friends because I commuted and then I ran off with a boy who did not help me find new friends.

I also used to be very guarded about what I would and would not share and now I wish I had people to talk to so I could share. So I talk here LOL. I do have a few friends who are getting there but it is so hard to find the time to hang out as an adult too. I feel like I missed my window of good friend making because everyone seems to have these high school and college friend they fall back on.


rogueslayer452 November 17 2019, 21:20:50 UTC
I was only vaguely interested in Booksmart, as in not immediately wanting to see it but if I ever saw it around I might check it out from curiosity, but then the whole Twitter kerfuffle put me off completely. Not really a huge loss, but the lack of self-awareness was hilarious with that. I'll be honest, I was mostly curious because of seeing Billie Lourd, which you can just watch the compilation of her scenes on YouTube because she appears so briefly in the film (which lbr we should've just gotten a movie about her character instead). But yeah, that's about it really.


orangerful November 18 2019, 01:39:54 UTC
Doesn't every movie have a twitter kerfuffle now? Dare I ask what the kerfuffle was about?

Lourd's character was a bit much for me. I was happy to get breaks between her appearances. Though now that you mention it, this probably would have made a better TV show than movie, giving us the full backstory for all of the teens.


rogueslayer452 November 18 2019, 02:05:38 UTC
Essentially it was someone (not affiliated with the movie in anyway, just some random person) ranting about how nobody was talking about "the most diverse independent movie" that was Booksmart, which had a lot of backlash about the tone deafness of that person (because aside from the LGBT aspect, the movie was almost like every other movie featuring upper middle class white girls discovering themselves, therefore not entirely diverse or outstanding). I don't know, just that whole thing didn't sit right with me. Perhaps I'll watch the movie in the future if I'm curious enough, but right now? Meh, not so much.

Gigi was supposed to be Too Extra of a character, from my understanding. Which is probably why Lourd took it to that place where she could just go off-the-rails, which I'll be honest is probably why many seemed to love her character. She appears so briefly, and yet she seemed to be the most memorable, lol.


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