The Other Watcher.

Jul 26, 2012 04:12

Waking up with Buffy wasn’t good when her first words were:

“Wesley’s getting killed before Christmas.”

Angel had no experience discussing other men in bed, and fewer intentions to start now. “Hm.”

“Seriously.” Buffy rolled away from him to stare at the ceiling. “I’ll be the only Slayer who’s survived three Watchers. The freak among freaks.”

“You’re not -”

“And even if he survives, he’ll just keep driving me crazy with his funny talk.” She sighed. “I miss Giles.”

“Buffy. Giles was British, too.”

“Whatever.” She shrugged. “I had an Eureka moment: Wesley needs to leave.”


“And you’re helping me.”

'verse: morning after, angel, angel/buffy, buffy

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