disability insurance and mental health

Sep 14, 2010 09:50

America's Hidden Welfare Program
Social Security's disability insurance is expensive, destructive, and out of control.

text under cut )

ableism, o i c, health

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Comments 29

radiopore September 14 2010, 17:33:42 UTC
basically, another able bodied person telling PWD that they aren't trying hard enough


yasonablack September 14 2010, 18:45:09 UTC
They'll change their mind quickly if they ever become a PWD though.


entelodont September 14 2010, 17:48:28 UTC
What the HELL.

Among other things, SSDI is sometimes the only thing that keeps mentally ill parents capable of caring for their children in some capacity. And is it really that awful that society has reached a point where people don't have to come to the brink of death before their issues are taken seriously? Jesus.


trigger warning for suicide trenchcoatedson September 14 2010, 18:47:20 UTC
... Not to mention, many psychological conditions can cause people to come close to the brink of death. I have Bi-Polar Disorder, and have been hospitalized for three suicide attempts. One time, I really could have died.

But oh wait. I forget. That was "my" fault, because I "did that to myself". Or something.

*Edited to add a trigger warning, because I forgot. So sorry if my carelessness caused any harm.


pandaseal September 14 2010, 17:56:21 UTC
Lol, I'm in your country, wasting your tax dollars with my lazy.

Did someone forget that people like me used to be locked away or if we were lucky, cared for at home? In many cases, we ended up unwillingly in sex work or jail.

But bro can tell me more about how treatable my mental illnesses are.


militsa September 14 2010, 17:59:34 UTC
The fact that fewer people with mental illness did not apply for SSDI in the past does not demonstrate anything other than that fewer people with mental illness applied for SSDI in the past. It does not demonstrate that they did not need it. How many people were neither able to work nor received assistance? My bet is, quite a lot.


zoram September 14 2010, 18:19:01 UTC
This is pretty much the exact discussion in my country. Unfortunately, the government has also gone through with a lot of it, and there is no way to be insured indefinitely even if you are dying.


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