Гуглу следует научиться пользоваться гуглом

Mar 09, 2017 06:06

Вчера по случаю празднования  Международного женского дня Google задвинул такой факт на весь мир:

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Comments 9

matrixmann March 9 2017, 14:17:10 UTC
...Someone trying to rewrite history again?
Well, Гугл is always suspect of doing services for the American spy-industrial complex.


onb2017 March 9 2017, 15:10:33 UTC
Yeah, alternative history. Funny thing that i believe lots of people in the west think that the first people in space both male and female were americans. And all Olympic games were won by americans and they invented everything around too. When i was in Insbruk I talked to couple and they were convinced americans always won all the olympics when in fact in Insbruk both times USSR kicked asses big time and second were GDR. But i am sure somewhere in Google alternative reality it is not like that.


matrixmann March 9 2017, 18:01:04 UTC
I heard it somewhere that the first woman in space was named Valentina, but I never knew her family name. Lately, I saw small news articles talking about "first woman in space turns 80" and the name they mentioned, first name of her was just this. 1+1=2, it went in my head, so then I knew now who it is. That information I once heard was right. And now additionally I knew, the first woman in space came from the CCCP ( ... )


onb2017 March 9 2017, 18:11:25 UTC
But don't you think during cold war things like that would be scrutinized like hell? I don't think soviet athlets used doping and even if somebody infividually tried it would always be the fear that they get caught and bring disgrace to the country. I think now postfactum they are just making crap up because the real explanation is that in social country people are more motivated and showing better results and this is an uncomfortable truth.


coldgreyeyes15 March 10 2017, 07:39:22 UTC
Так это ж сашкина компания, а они как хотят так и воротят.


onb2017 March 10 2017, 12:23:01 UTC
Оно и видно. Но зачем сашке сдалась Сэлли?


baliasov May 6 2017, 14:36:02 UTC
Вроде бы сейчас Терешкова депутатствует от Единой России. И закакие-то там скрепы духовноправославные.


onb2017 May 6 2017, 15:01:15 UTC
Ну, сейчас так и есть, но это не отменяет того, что она в Советском Союзе была выдающимся человеком. Вот что значит "бытие определяет сознание". А что она тоже православная? Ох, черт их всех побери.


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