Aug 23, 2016 11:21

Советский ВМФ

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Comments 12

matrixmann August 23 2016, 16:38:42 UTC
Remarkably it is how much church gained in influence again since the fall of the CCCP.
I always shake my head and think "Russians, please don't follow the lead of the church only to produce a counter-culture against the West with its childishness that it hides among other things under the term "freedom". Seperate childishness and foolishness from freedom, it cannot be that hard for people whose overall education is about to overtake that of the West.".


onb2017 August 23 2016, 17:48:59 UTC
The thing is that they call it Russian culture and going back to its roots with church etc but in reality it is an easy way to manipulate people, it is easier to direct them to church and make pray for better life than let people be educated and understand there is no god that will solve problems for them. Plus people are in denial and if things go wrong, they try to use church as a psychologist. You know how it works: people pray and 50/50 chance they will get their wish granted so people turn to church for relief.

Ps Maximmkasssr below asked me to say that to you: " Our elite is extremely primitive and uses easy ways and schemes. But it creates new problems." If you want to respond to him, I will translate.


matrixmann August 23 2016, 21:08:44 UTC
I figured that it's some kind of issue like that. Maybe beause I don't have anything to do with belief and through psychology it formed the position in me that God is something that starts in your head and that ends in your head ( ... )


onb2017 August 24 2016, 03:22:28 UTC
Religion plays role in birth rate but I don't think it is a case with Russia. It is a demographic crisis in Russia and being the largest country in the world it is underpopulated. I don't think people follow the religion with rigor as other concessions in the world. i don't know, maybe baptists do. I had a friend at school, she moved to Germany at the end of 90s. Her family were baptists. She later married and had 12 kids or something like that.

In Russia it is more like filling the gap of lack of education and daily problems plus nationalistic propaganda calling to get to the roots of culture. But mind that when Russia was religious it was also oppressed by zhar.


maximkasssr August 23 2016, 16:48:30 UTC
Привет)). Ответь товарищу matrixmann, что наша властная элита крайне примитивна, действует по шаблонам и всегда ищет лёгкие пути. Создавая новые проблемы. А то я смысл то понял, а написать не смогу)))


onb2017 August 23 2016, 17:41:21 UTC
Привет, как нога?

А серьезно, если инфо про науку и образование искать, там попов позасело везде процентов на 60%, может больше.


maximkasssr August 23 2016, 17:46:32 UTC
Нога без изменений, но сегодня со спортсменами посоветвался, сказали, что всё норм. Т.е нормальное явление при сильном ушибе, может и три недели болеть.
Правильно попы с детства подготавливают себе паству. Проблема в другом, что они готовят то для себя, а уйдут "обожестлённые" дети к муслимам, приём радикалам. И тех же попов поперевешивают.


onb2017 August 23 2016, 18:01:47 UTC
Я каринку подходящюю случайно сегодня увидела. Про лечение ноги. Надеюсь заживет скорее, чем через три недели. А вообще я иногда не против заболеть, хоть время свободное появляется. Хотя, конечно, хромать и прыгать- мало приятного.

... )


СССР vs РФ livejournal August 24 2016, 06:25:27 UTC
User seerozha referenced to your post from СССР vs РФ saying: [...] Оригинал взят у в СССР vs РФ [...]


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