
Jun 05, 2006 09:10

A year in the life of Stella.

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Comments 14

minnorose June 6 2006, 11:24:50 UTC
I wish I coudl view it, but my connection won't stand for it.. :(
Just looking at that thumbnail makes me want to tear up.
Happy first birthday, Stella!!! So much love to both of you!!


olympe_grrrl June 6 2006, 17:31:14 UTC
Awwwe thanks!!! You are so fabulous to!!


syd June 6 2006, 12:09:26 UTC
It's beautiful! I'm so proud of you. And, I miss you very much!


olympe_grrrl June 6 2006, 17:30:42 UTC
I thought you had dropped of the face of the Earth! How are you? WHere are you? I would love to see you! and thank you!


syd June 7 2006, 00:27:38 UTC
I'm still in B-ton, but not for much longer. Tony and I are moving to Tucson in July. I am starting my soc. phd program in the fall at University of Arizona. I would love to see you and meet the little star sometime before we go. You are still in Indy? If so and you e-mail me your phone # we will set up sometime in the near future to meet: msmeofhere@yahoo.com.


flafoo June 6 2006, 20:02:05 UTC
that was beautiful Erin. i just cried for 8 1/2 minutes.



olympe_grrrl June 7 2006, 00:28:39 UTC
I'm sorry you cried.. must be the posr partum hormones! :) I forgot your # at work give me a call on my cell.


flafoo June 7 2006, 16:03:43 UTC
probably. they were happy tears though, don't worry :) it was just good to be reminded of the rewards of parenting.


knutie June 12 2006, 18:41:02 UTC
that was worth every minute of it......i'm usually not one to cry, but that got me! i can't imagine how emotional i'll be when i have one.


olympe_grrrl July 8 2006, 14:22:42 UTC
Awe thank you. You'll be a fabulous mommy!


nyterhaven July 20 2006, 11:37:24 UTC
:) That was worth every single minute. I started crying when it got to the second song. That was supposed to be the song we played right after this baby'sbirth, but it went so fast that I didn't get to do that (among other things). Thebaby loved that song before he was born and still loves it now. Every time I hearit I at least get misty-eyed. Stella is a gorgeous, wonderful little person. You can see it all over her. Her mama is pretty too ;) Who did your professional pics? I'm always seeking good professional pics. Thankyou for sharing! (i rraelize I'm a little behind responding to this!)


olympe_grrrl July 20 2006, 22:02:30 UTC
Awe thank you for all your beautiful compliments! The second song is probably what I'm going to walk down the aisle to! Our photographer is Townsend at http://www.schnabelphoto.com she is very reasonable and super nice and very bf friendly.


nyterhaven July 20 2006, 22:22:52 UTC
I'm not sure if that worked but I deleted it myself ;) In case it really deleted it and there is no email at all for you send to nyterhaven(at)livejournal(dot)com :) If you get these by email though, you should get the one with my real email anyway ;) sorry 'bout all that.


olympe_grrrl July 21 2006, 01:07:49 UTC
No prob! lolol


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