I wish I coudl view it, but my connection won't stand for it.. :( Just looking at that thumbnail makes me want to tear up. Happy first birthday, Stella!!! So much love to both of you!!
I'm still in B-ton, but not for much longer. Tony and I are moving to Tucson in July. I am starting my soc. phd program in the fall at University of Arizona. I would love to see you and meet the little star sometime before we go. You are still in Indy? If so and you e-mail me your phone # we will set up sometime in the near future to meet: msmeofhere@yahoo.com.
:) That was worth every single minute. I started crying when it got to the second song. That was supposed to be the song we played right after this baby'sbirth, but it went so fast that I didn't get to do that (among other things). Thebaby loved that song before he was born and still loves it now. Every time I hearit I at least get misty-eyed. Stella is a gorgeous, wonderful little person. You can see it all over her. Her mama is pretty too ;) Who did your professional pics? I'm always seeking good professional pics. Thankyou for sharing! (i rraelize I'm a little behind responding to this!)
Awe thank you for all your beautiful compliments! The second song is probably what I'm going to walk down the aisle to! Our photographer is Townsend at http://www.schnabelphoto.com she is very reasonable and super nice and very bf friendly.
I'm not sure if that worked but I deleted it myself ;) In case it really deleted it and there is no email at all for you send to nyterhaven(at)livejournal(dot)com :) If you get these by email though, you should get the one with my real email anyway ;) sorry 'bout all that.
Comments 14
Just looking at that thumbnail makes me want to tear up.
Happy first birthday, Stella!!! So much love to both of you!!
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