
Feb 03, 2009 21:25

Does anyone know of a good piece of writing on subtlety in cinema, or in art generally? It seems like subtlety is this elusive quality that is taken to be a virtue. But it's so culturally specific.

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I'm thinking, particularly, of Videodrome, and how that movie has changed for me over the years. Its relationship to subtlety is complex. It is, in ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

nightspore February 4 2009, 17:20:04 UTC
Well, fascinating question and I wish people had answered it. The only thing that comes to mind for me, immediately, is Wittgenstein's explanation of Freud's persuasiveness. "We are inclined to disbelieve it. But if we are inclined to disbelieve something that also means that we are inclined to believe it." I imagine people didding the late Henry James (as in the book: James and the Jacobites) would have interesting things to say against subtlety.


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