OhSam Triple Play 2015!

Nov 02, 2015 12:06

The comm hosted this little event a couple of years ago, and as November 2 is an auspicious day for our darling Sam, today would be the perfect time to revisit this challenge. Welcome to the Triple Play 2015!

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kettle_o_fish November 5 2015, 01:31:02 UTC
1.) Byberry Mental Hospital
2.) Dean
3.) botched lobotomy


Filled: Cold as Ice (1/3) indiachick November 6 2015, 14:53:59 UTC
(O-kay. Not pretty. And I wanted to write Sam POV for this but Dean had other plans.)

The Pacifists that worked this hospital never mentioned the sun and moon wallpaper. Stars on the ceiling in the death-house-Orion there, the Pleiades here-quiet, unassuming pattern that was perhaps meant to be comforting. Superimpose the history the Winchesters have with ceilings and the chalked death outline would encompass the Auriga, Canis Major, Sirius as large as a burning heart. Where they first bled-gut-flower bloom-Draco and Pegasus, forever poised in fight.

Mother. Lover. Sam mumbles about both. He can’t remember Jessica’s name right now, keeps asking Dean why, but look up and the ceiling burns, he says. Look down and there’s Hell. Fire. We’ve been trapped in fire all our lives, Dean, but now we’re cold. A pause. And then Sam adds, worriedly, this can’t be real ( ... )


RE: Filled: Cold as Ice (2/3) indiachick November 6 2015, 14:59:27 UTC
Three ghosts.

The doctor with buckshot wounds in his centre, drip-dripping at the corner, poring over a chart. The shadow-scarecrow that (Sam says) is adhered to his bed, hip-side, stuck there as though with mucilage, cold to the touch. And the tattooed man: smooth arms pecked with needle-pricks like measles spots, antlers on his head.

(Antlers? Dean asks.)

Get him away, says Sam. Dean? Please.

He struggles; the cot shakes violently, and Dean shakes with it at its base, tied to its legs, motionless.

(Get him away, get him away. It hurts.)

Ghosts are a whoosh, an ice-bucket to the stomach, a twist of the guts in this place. A whispered promise to make things better, make your head feel better. A diseased mouth over his own, quieting him when he tries to scream, a whisper: ssshh, don’t aggravate the patient.

He’s not your patient, Dean screams. He’s not your fucking patient, you motherfucking sicko!

We know it must be difficult, says the whisper. A head wisps out of the near-dark, flashing eyes, pale mouth. Intimations of ( ... )


RE: Filled: Cold as Ice (3/3) indiachick November 6 2015, 15:04:01 UTC

Dean wakes up dangling from the ceiling.

His feet kick at nothing. Then the cot flips and smashes against the far wall. And again. On the third smash, his cuffs break loose. He drops; one leg buckles under him, the pain is like fire. He screams but makes no sound. His voice is muffled by ash.


The cot drops too. There’s no time to take stock of the damage: Dean rushes, he hauls ass. Sam’s dead-weight against him, gone utterly still. His eyes are blank slivers, colorfast grey. His breath ghosts against Dean’s neck, though, which is-which is good enough for now, good enough.

There’s no sunset-Dean thinks-he was mistaken. There’s no sunset, there’s no sugar-candy brightness. The hospital is actually on fire. Someone set it on fire. Ashes spark and cackle. The insect-corpses burn ( ... )


RE: Filled: Cold as Ice (3/3) caranfindel November 6 2015, 21:18:55 UTC
Oh my goodness. This is horrifying and heartbreaking and just all-around awesome.


RE: Filled: Cold as Ice (3/3) indiachick November 10 2015, 09:39:44 UTC
Thank you! I think Halloween still had its claws in me :)


RE: Filled: Cold as Ice (3/3) madebyme_x November 6 2015, 21:49:16 UTC
Ohhh, what a darkly wonderful fic! You write horror so well, and this is 100% creepy. I loved how we jumped straight into the action at the hospital, and how you scattered back story throughout.

Through Dean's eyes we never quite see what's happening to Sam, but like most well crafted horror, imagining it is so much worse. I adored the ending (man, I hate moths though, great imagery but yikes!), and the open ended feel, couldn't help but wonder if Sam was the one helping them escape after the ghosts 'made him better'!

I loved this fic, thank you so much for sharing :)


RE: Filled: Cold as Ice (3/3) indiachick November 10 2015, 09:42:35 UTC
I thought it would be kind of interesting to do horror when one party is in a limited position to truly comprehend what is going on with the other party: thus poor Dean, tied up on the floor and only able to hear and catch glimpses of movement. This is probably the most disturbing thing I've written though :/

Sam does help them escape, in my headcanon. With all the repressed psychic power and everything, god knows what sticking an ice pick in his brain will unearth >__


RE: Filled: Cold as Ice (3/3) reggie11 November 7 2015, 04:27:18 UTC
Oh wow, that was so creepy!


RE: Filled: Cold as Ice (3/3) indiachick November 10 2015, 09:43:00 UTC
Haha, thanks :D Halloween after-effects.


RE: Filled: Cold as Ice (3/3) quickreaver November 7 2015, 05:43:32 UTC
I loooove when you write horror! It's so visceral yet surreal and deliciously original. GORGEOUS.


RE: Filled: Cold as Ice (3/3) indiachick November 10 2015, 09:43:52 UTC
Thanks bb :D This one's spooky even for me. But mostly because Dean can't see what's going on.


RE: Filled: Cold as Ice (3/3) thursdaysisters November 7 2015, 12:09:33 UTC
He babbles about Hell and fire and the Devil. And then he tells the ghost that, you know, they chipped away at Rose Kennedy’s brain with a Freeman ice-pick while she counted numbers, and they chipped till she couldn’t count.

Great imagery in this one *cuddles your brain* :D


RE: Filled: Cold as Ice (3/3) indiachick November 10 2015, 09:44:49 UTC
True story, that. Lifted almost word for word from some article I read online. Poor Rose Kennedy was chipped at till she became incoherent. ;______;


RE: Filled: Cold as Ice (3/3) kettle_o_fish November 18 2015, 03:28:45 UTC
Oh my goodness. I loved loved LOVED your imagery here. So creepy and devastating in the best way. Thank you for the fill! (And I liked the weird ending.)


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