OhSam Triple Play 2015!

Nov 02, 2015 12:06

The comm hosted this little event a couple of years ago, and as November 2 is an auspicious day for our darling Sam, today would be the perfect time to revisit this challenge. Welcome to the Triple Play 2015!

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ladykorana November 4 2015, 13:51:34 UTC
1. Roadhouse
2. Ellen
3. Respiratory illness


It's Gotta Be Four in the Morning part 1 tarotgal November 9 2015, 03:03:41 UTC
It's Gotta Be Four in the MorningLightning illuminated the sky ahead just as thunder rumbled. From inside the Impala, it sounded like the thunder was all around them. Dean had the windshield wipers on full blast and kept flipping the headlights from regular to brights and back again, desperately hoping for some visibility in this terrible storm. Total concentration was needed to stay on the road, and Dean's knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel. They didn't speak, not even about the storm or the road conditions or the possibility of pulling over somewhere until all of this blew past, because they both knew that wasn't a possibility. Even though Sam and Dean did not speak, it was hardly silent inside the car. There were the occasional bursts of thunder and the constant barrage of rain against the car. And there was also the sneezing ( ... )


It's Gotta Be Four in the Morning part 2 tarotgal November 9 2015, 03:04:08 UTC
Ellen sighed. She raised a hand and gestured for Sam to step forward. “All right. Come with me, Sam. I've got a Kleenex box and a tall glass of OJ with your name on it.”

Sniffling, Sam stepped forward. “Thandg you, Ellend. I really mbeand it.”

“Yeah, yeah. Just get your ass in here and get out of that rain.” She patted Sam's shoulder as he passed her in the doorway. Once inside, he sneezed again, bending forward so suddenly he only had time to lift his arm and direct his nose at it. Ellen shook her head. “I've got more than one extra cot, if you want to wait out this storm, Dean.”

Anyone with any sense at all would have taken Ellen up on that offer. But Sam wasn't surprised when Dean refused it. “Vamps are a few hours away, and I'm not going to make good time in this storm. I need to get a move on.”

“hahhh-IHKTschxxxxttttt! Heh-hehhh-URKTSchxxshhh!” Both Ellen and Dean stared at Sam, who stood just inside the bar with his mouth open, rocking on the balls of his feet. “hahhh... hahhh... hah-HAH-HahhKTSchxxxxttttttt!” Sam grabbed ( ... )


RE: It's Gotta Be Four in the Morning part 2 madebyme_x November 10 2015, 14:29:24 UTC
\o/ for Ellen!!! I really enjoyed seeing Ellen mother Sam a little. I loved the set up too, with Dean unable to hunt the vamps because of Sam's sneezing - a lovely touch!

Thank you for sharing :)


RE: It's Gotta Be Four in the Morning part 2 ladykorana November 12 2015, 02:02:00 UTC
Sorry for the late comment but: Yaay, you filled it! sniffly, sickly Sam is beyond cute!

The observation about the "normal" blankets really got to me. Poor Sammy. And the being thankful it's not a gunshot, etc, so sad.

Not all sad though. I LOL'd at Dean briefly pretending he might not come back for his germy kid brother.

I think my favorite bit was Dean presenting sick Sam to Ellen all like "see how sick he is! Isn't he so pathetic you can't help yourself? Here, I'll give you more reasons to take him. C'mon Sammy, show her how sick you are!" He's almost proud of Sammy's powers to look like a lost, wet puppy, at least in my head. I love it!


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