OhSam Triple Play 2015!

Nov 02, 2015 12:06

The comm hosted this little event a couple of years ago, and as November 2 is an auspicious day for our darling Sam, today would be the perfect time to revisit this challenge. Welcome to the Triple Play 2015!

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dollarformyname November 3 2015, 15:34:42 UTC
1. tunnels
2. Dean
3. mutism/voice loss


Fill: Trapped (1/3) cowboyguy November 6 2015, 21:55:33 UTC
Sam wakes with a groan, disoriented and numb. He opens his eyes, and it doesn’t make a difference. It’s pitch black all around him. For a few horrifying moments, he thinks he’s gone blind, and then he remembers the sensation of being dragged, hauled down rocky tunnels by his wrists, deeper and deeper into the mountain.

He tries to move, tries to get a sense of where he is, and there’s a sudden pain like lightning surging through his arms and shoulders. He gasps, trying to curl in on himself, and there’s the sound of metal on metal as his arms are pulled back. He’s chained to the wall, immobilized, and there’s no way to get to a weapon, no way to contact Dean.

He is so screwed.

* * *

He falls in and out of consciousness, feeling lightheaded and dizzy every time he wakes up. No amount of wriggling will get his hands free, and every attempt sends shooting pains through his shoulders.

“Hmmmm…” he groans, deep in his chest, and closes his eyes, not that it makes much of a difference ( ... )


RE: Fill: Trapped (2/3) cowboyguy November 6 2015, 21:56:51 UTC
And all of a sudden, there’s a light, the faint glimmer of it illuminating the cave wall. It’s further down and still far off, and Sam realizes that he’s at the top of a hill. He kicks out again, makes contact with something that might have been a skull, and it skitters away from him, bouncing down the slope and pulling more tiny pebbles along with it. It sounds like a rain stick, tiny particles making contact with each other in a miniature avalanche.

The flashlight beam moves, gets closer, and then there is a shadowy figure at the bottom of the slope.

“Sammy!” Dean cries, shining the flashlight up.

The sudden light is blinding, and Sam turns his head away with a sharp cry. But inside, he is flooded with relief. Dean is here. Dean is here.There’s the sound of falling rocks again, louder this time, as Dean scrambles up the incline towards him ( ... )


RE: Fill: Trapped (3/3) cowboyguy November 6 2015, 21:57:47 UTC
By the time they get back to the Impala, the feeling is returning to Sam’s arms, and he knows for a fact that it’s going to hurt like hell for a few days. He winces as Dean eases him into the passenger seat, and then holds out his hands as Dean digs the bolt cutters out of the trunk. The chains and cuffs slide off easily after that, and Dean carefully wraps Sam’s hands in a couple of Ace bandages, stabilizing his wrists. After Dean finishes up and climbs behind the wheel, Sam signs a clumsy thank you to his brother, a soft noise of appreciation escaping his lips.

“You’re welcome,” Dean says, ruffling Sam’s hair and eliciting a scowl from his brother. “Betcha Dad’s never gonna let you out of his sight again, though.”

Sam rolls his eyes and slaps the dashboard, commanding Dean to get moving.


RE: Fill: Trapped (3/3) caranfindel November 7 2015, 16:33:46 UTC
Teen Sam! This is awesome. The tension of Sam not being able to make Dean hear him is wonderful - I was thinking "kick, Sam, kick!" and then he did! :-D


RE: Fill: Trapped (3/3) madebyme_x November 10 2015, 16:40:25 UTC
An action packed, tension filled read! I loved seeing Sam struggle to verbalize his locations, only then to release he can noise with the rocks and chains.

It was such a relief to see Den come to the rescue. Thank you for sharing :)


RE: Fill: Trapped (3/3) reggie11 November 13 2015, 14:45:36 UTC
Just love teen Sam with a disability, it makes everything even more harrowing. Nicely done.


RE: Fill: Trapped (3/3) hugglewolf November 15 2015, 21:11:24 UTC
Brilliant story, well done.


RE: Fill: Trapped (2/3) dollarformyname February 14 2016, 14:33:51 UTC
A thousand years later ... I'M SO SO SO SORRY I forgot to comment on this before! D: I thought I had, I really did! I'm terrible and flaky and I apologize!

Not only did you do an awesome job of taking Sam's voice--my faaaavorite thing--you messed up Sam's beautiful hands and I looove it! <333 That feeling of helplessness wen he realizes he can't communicate the way he's used to? YESSS. And Dean to the rescue! Always a good time. Thank you for the fantastic fill, and sorry again for flaking! /o\


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