OhSam Triple Play 2015!

Nov 02, 2015 12:06

The comm hosted this little event a couple of years ago, and as November 2 is an auspicious day for our darling Sam, today would be the perfect time to revisit this challenge. Welcome to the Triple Play 2015!

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tarotgal November 3 2015, 02:51:17 UTC
1. Bobby's
2. Hallucifer
3. Psychotic episode that doesn't seem to want to end

(Bonus points for Sam really hurting his hand by pressing on the wound there too hard/too much/with something sharp and Dean patching him up when it's finally all over)


Filled: Stone Number 1 caranfindel November 4 2015, 19:00:40 UTC
The chain whips around Sam's ankles, jerking him off his feet, dragging him backward.

I missed you, Sammy.

Sam reaches for furniture but it disintegrates as his fingers brush against it. He tries to grab the carpet, but Bobby's threadbare rug has been replaced by glass that shatters as he clutches it, shards of glass leaving his hands slippery with blood.

C'mon and play.

It's not real, this isn't real. Sam presses his injured hand but nothing happens - the Devil's imaginary pain is so much stronger, he can't even feel the real pain of his hand. The glass carpet is cracking under his body now, pushing spears into his legs, his torso, his arms.

It'll be just like old times.

Dean, he gasps, please. I can't do this. I can't stop this one on my own. Please.

No one's here, Sammy. Just you and me.

Glass shards plunge into his face, his throat. His screams are soundless, his vocal cord severed.

Cat got your tongue?A booted foot kicks mercilessly at his side, rolling him onto his back. He blinks the blood from his eyes and sees ( ... )


thursdaysisters November 5 2015, 00:58:23 UTC
That opening is such a great hook, love it! :-D


caranfindel November 5 2015, 19:04:24 UTC
Thank you!


RE: Filled: Stone Number 1 fireheart13 November 5 2015, 13:20:20 UTC
Wow, vivid and horrific. Poor Sammy!!! Nice and tightly done!!


RE: Filled: Stone Number 1 caranfindel November 5 2015, 19:04:01 UTC


RE: Filled: Stone Number 1 madebyme_x November 5 2015, 16:54:33 UTC
Ohhh, this was devilishly good! I loved how you captured the confusion of Sam's hallucinations with reality and the cage. And ice pick - awesome!!! I might just start calling you the impaler ;)

Thank you for sharing :)


RE: Filled: Stone Number 1 caranfindel November 5 2015, 19:03:22 UTC
Thank you! I'm certainly enjoying running poor Sam through with various objects. ;-)


RE: Filled: Stone Number 1 tarotgal November 5 2015, 16:57:42 UTC
Oh, this is AWESOME! I mean, POOR SAMMY, but awesome. It's everything I'd imagined and more. And I love the word count note! Perfect!

I love that Dean blames himself for this! And I love that Sam manages to get himself out of the torture here, even if it took extreme measures and things inside his hallucination being real. But the idea that he can't feel the pain in his hand because of the pain he feels during the torture--that is INSPIRED! And you wrote it so brilliantly. I love it!


RE: Filled: Stone Number 1 caranfindel November 5 2015, 19:01:56 UTC
Thank you! It was a great prompt; I'm glad you liked the result.


RE: Filled: Stone Number 1 cowboyguy November 5 2015, 21:39:12 UTC
Oh, Sammy... <3



RE: Filled: Stone Number 1 caranfindel November 6 2015, 14:37:07 UTC
Thank you!


RE: Filled: Stone Number 1 indiachick November 6 2015, 15:09:41 UTC

I love this, the terror in poor Sam is fantastic.


RE: Filled: Stone Number 1 caranfindel November 6 2015, 21:21:17 UTC
Given the appropriate prompts, I will poke holes in the dear boy until he looks like Swiss cheese. (Of course, you did an excellent job of poking him!)


RE: Filled: Stone Number 1 quickreaver November 7 2015, 05:52:54 UTC
ICE PICK?! Hella OW. And perfect word count is perfect. :D


RE: Filled: Stone Number 1 caranfindel November 7 2015, 16:39:08 UTC
It's a sign, I'm sure! :-)


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