Stephen Amell Responds to Body Shamers, Thinks He's Mr. Steal Yo Girl / Boy

Sep 29, 2021 19:59
Inferior Amell shared a photo on Instagram over the weekend wearing pink shorts. Some people in the comments criticized his body and suggested that he was out of shape. “What happened to the Arrow body?” asked one, and “Where is Oliver Queen's physique?” questioned another ( Read more... )

celebrity social media, where are they now, actor / actress

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Comments 149

askrubes September 30 2021, 03:03:23 UTC
No one gives a shit, shut the fuck up.
(My dislike for him and the fuckery he put Katie Cassidy through (as well as allowed the showrunner to do) on set is immeasurable)


trumpydoesmagic September 30 2021, 03:14:56 UTC
What happened with Katie?? I knew the showrunner disliked her but nothing about Stephen.


swimbee September 30 2021, 04:06:19 UTC
Yeah I’m curious about this too. The only negative story I’ve heard about Katie and another cast member was regarding her and John Barrowman (and that was him getting naked in her trailer and sitting bareassed on her things and sending her pictures of it like the trash he is). She and Stephen seem to be on good terms - she’s posted pics with him recently and has commented about his show. She doesn’t seem to have any hard feelings.


browneyedguuurl September 30 2021, 04:18:35 UTC
I think the whole Katie vs. everyone feud fans project is more of a Laurel vs. Olicity thing because of how she became sidelined aftr being cast as the co-lead. The actors all seem to get along in real life and are in good terms. Stephen is a mess though.


doriiansz September 30 2021, 03:03:53 UTC
Omg, can he shut the fuck up!?


tobago_88 September 30 2021, 03:22:52 UTC
I think he has Chris Pratt syndrome where they think they are hot shit, but people remind them they aren't and they get kicked down a couple notches. These kind of people surround themselves with people who worship them so when the façade is up they squirm and throw a fit.


sandstorm September 30 2021, 03:14:06 UTC
I will show up to steal your boyfriend or your girlfriend

... )


doriiansz September 30 2021, 03:22:06 UTC
And just like that Thanos snapped his sorry ass.


tobago_88 September 30 2021, 03:40:41 UTC
He wishes


tanglespiders September 30 2021, 03:48:35 UTC
c'mon he's the guy married to the girl about whose haircut tyra "specifically said mia farrow from rosemary's baby"


veritas_44 September 30 2021, 03:16:52 UTC
Celebs really need to learn how to block people and just move on with their rich lives


__nocturna September 30 2021, 03:17:18 UTC
this will become a copy pasta in 1... 2... 3...


stewie_e September 30 2021, 03:39:45 UTC

... )


frejasface September 30 2021, 05:18:01 UTC
Public service announcement: I’m 5'6 inches tall and 140 lbs. I’m in mediocre shape and I’m weak as loose stool. I’m a 24 hour binge away from blowing the season 1 poster for RuPaul's Drag Race out of the water. We did the photoshop for that poster a little over 9 years ago. Next time I post a photo in my graying granny panties, I’ll try and remember to fart!

And if that isn’t good enough, send me your address. I will show up to steal your girlfriend or your girlfriend.


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