Justin Bieber Goes Viral for Ad That Looks Like He's Wearing Kim Kardashian's SKIMS

Sep 01, 2021 11:06

Justin Bieber Rocking SKIMS Thanks to Billboard Mashup - https://t.co/lPtqIOsnuP #worldwidetweets pic.twitter.com/R5yW5DPI64
- WorldWide Tweets (@WorldWideTweet3) September 1, 2021

Justin Bieber is starring in a new ad for Balenciaga. Unfortunately, a billboard meant to display his ad campaign accidentally displayed an advertisement for Kim ( Read more... )

fashion, slow news day, kardashian / jenner, viral, justin bieber

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Comments 28

jamesdean September 1 2021, 18:41:05 UTC


hotties_chicken September 1 2021, 18:42:23 UTC
It could also clearly be a bipartisan message to unite a nation divided politically. The top half depicting Justin Bieber fully clothed in a masculine leather jacket represents the Republican viewpoint of tradition and conservatism. The bottom half symbolizes the progressive leftist viewpoint, depicting non-traditional female underwear on a male and its exposed skin as a more permissive view of women's bodies. Joining the two is a statement of coexistence between seemingly diametric political viewpoints that can be depicted equally in synchronicity.


therearewords September 1 2021, 18:57:04 UTC
First assignment of your ONTDU sociology course?


hotties_chicken September 1 2021, 19:18:45 UTC
write a comment section essay on two random pop culture things that could have some important-sounding symbology. counts for 80% of ur grade.


therearewords September 1 2021, 19:23:57 UTC
So early in the year already? Oof.


therearewords September 1 2021, 18:47:44 UTC
Is he still young enough for Kourt- wait, the dude's married.

Is he still young enough for Kourtney?


timothyjames86 September 1 2021, 19:19:17 UTC
gloeden2 September 1 2021, 20:30:55 UTC
It's obviously anti-vaxx.


therearewords September 1 2021, 19:25:02 UTC


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