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Comments 49

warsawed August 23 2021, 16:55:55 UTC
Is this the sequel to Marriage Story cuz it sounds exactly the same, down to the title


januarysix August 23 2021, 18:42:53 UTC
This one doesn't have Adam Driver punching a wall


mimifd August 23 2021, 20:28:16 UTC
same difference, they're both childhood background noise


nermal_kat August 23 2021, 16:56:22 UTC
Is there something wrong with my laptop? Every scene looks extremely dark and shadowy.


luna_potterhead August 23 2021, 16:56:26 UTC
Chastain has gotten to be a bit insufferable. I used to think she was the most interesting actress working


thispaintedlife August 23 2021, 17:15:54 UTC
idk if you follow her on instagram but her presence there has killed a lot of her mystique lol


luna_potterhead August 23 2021, 17:45:08 UTC
Yeah, that plays a part. V Anne Hathaway, the sophistication worked well for her


littleorcs August 23 2021, 16:58:21 UTC
I kinda assumed this would be an English-language remake of Bergman but from the trailer it looks like it's a completely different story? I mean is the title enough of a draw that it's worth appropriating when it's not even the same thing?


scriptedending August 23 2021, 16:58:31 UTC
I mean, I like them, so I'll probably watch. Oscar looks particularly good here, and I love that style of house so much.

I've never seen the original, guess I should get on that! It's streaming on HBO Max as well.


luna_potterhead August 23 2021, 17:00:16 UTC
I watched Bergman's about this time last year, and it is so worth the watch. I particularly recommend viewing it before this... I hope it's not tarnished by this version lol

Def not a show to be binged!


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