Former “Good Luck Charlie” Actress Leigh-Allyn Baker Speaks Up Against Mask Mandates At Schools

Aug 12, 2021 11:31

#GoodLuckCharlie star Leigh-Allyn is being criticized after speaking out against vaccines and mask mandates at a school board meeting.
- Pop Crave (@PopCrave) August 12, 2021
Leigh-Allyn Baker, an actress who starred as the mom in Disney Channel’s “Good Luck Charlie,” was at a school board meeting in Franklin, Tennessee and ( Read more... )

where are they now, disney, not today satan, covid-19, nobody, actor / actress

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Comments 268

theoryofwar August 12 2021, 18:37:17 UTC
homeschool is a thing. you can teach them all about the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers. Also, the bible. You can teach your children all sorts of things and shield them from scary things like science.


veritas_44 August 12 2021, 20:05:38 UTC
Never encourage these kind of people to homeschool


theoryofwar August 12 2021, 20:27:22 UTC
You're not wrong! But she has such a big brain and knows all the science and the federalist papers!! She read all about it from a FB link her upline from her small Young Living business posted!!!

What if you put a bunch of essential oils on your mask? Would a dash of peppermint and lavender help make breathing with a mask on easier?


espressotorte August 12 2021, 22:00:27 UTC
Homeschooling is part of the problem


turtleisland August 12 2021, 18:38:03 UTC
I had to attend a school board meeting this week. The parents there were upset about masks, of course (they are only required on buses), but guess what they also were upset by? They don't want the directional arrows and space markers in the hallway. They're triggered by the school telling their kids how to walk, jfc. How do they handle roads?

It was so stupid and embarrassing. One of them was a teacher.


rhcp August 12 2021, 19:26:55 UTC
hope they never go to ikea!


nigelwitthebrie August 12 2021, 19:56:52 UTC
Omg I actually want to see how they will function at an Ikea lmao 🤣 😂 😆 😅

It'll be epic 💀 ☠


irajaxon August 12 2021, 20:14:12 UTC
they will REFUSE to bow to that EUROPEAN SOCIALISM!!!1!1!


missjersey August 12 2021, 18:38:21 UTC
“Anyway, the real part of the clown show is that you all think that you actually have the authority to mandate this,” Baker said. “Because there are these books that I have, and I have them as a gift for you: the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers. Also, the Bible. And these guarantee my freedom and yours and our children's to breathe oxygen.”

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koushiba August 12 2021, 18:42:18 UTC
Oh my goooood. I don’t even know where to start.


missjersey August 12 2021, 18:47:00 UTC
There are so many things to unpack and honestly the juice ain't worth the squeeze. Stupid is as stupid does.


nanachic August 13 2021, 02:46:32 UTC

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polynucleotide August 12 2021, 18:39:02 UTC
terrible mother. take her kids away from her.


pikapika217 August 12 2021, 18:40:22 UTC
How Very


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