Instagram apologizes for censoring nipple on Penelope Cruz film poster

Aug 11, 2021 18:35

Instagram apologizes for censoring nipple on Penelope Cruz film poster
- Page Six (@PageSix) August 11, 2021
The poster shows a lactating nipple, and was removed “for breaking our rules against nudity ( Read more... )

celebrity social media, penelope cruz, film poster, apology / damage control

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Comments 29

oldmoviesnstuff August 11 2021, 17:03:02 UTC
Ok so, art is different than porn but what is the exact line between them? and it's up to Instagram to decide? Idk


januarysix August 11 2021, 17:15:58 UTC
All art is porn but not all porn is art


mangomuch August 11 2021, 17:19:31 UTC
Facts are facts


invisiblegirlx August 11 2021, 17:56:50 UTC
Context is what makes the difference and algorithms aren't great at that.


therearewords August 11 2021, 17:18:25 UTC
I don't know what will happen sooner: the death of instagram or female nipples allowed on social media.


__nocturna August 11 2021, 17:56:55 UTC
Why did I just flash on that Bojack episode, where Congress bans guns cuz they don't want women to have them lol

... )


therearewords August 11 2021, 18:01:55 UTC
Just as likely!


xdecadentx August 11 2021, 19:50:26 UTC
Instagram needs to die to stop them making terrible changes to make reels and shopping all it is.


mangomuch August 11 2021, 17:22:05 UTC
I never got to see his latest film because of covid, have to catch up some time.


stuffedpanda August 11 2021, 17:24:19 UTC
Let women show their nipples if they want to, fucking christ.

Puritan values have really fucked up society.


(The comment has been removed)

gloeden2 August 11 2021, 18:19:06 UTC
Lactation envy.
It's all we talk about besides sports.


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