Supergirl Brings Back Major Characters for Series Finale

Jul 31, 2021 07:02

The CW's Supergirl may be ending, but that doesn't mean they can't throw a heck of a praty on the way out the door. In spite of scheduling, COVID, and all the other things that might stand in the way, the Arrowverse's first Kryptonian will be welcoming back...

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television - cw, comic books, dc comics, supergirl (cw)

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Comments 38

thelana July 31 2021, 12:34:51 UTC
No Cat Grant so far. I'm sad. I mean I wasn't counting on it, but still sad.


honeymink July 31 2021, 19:48:01 UTC
Totally with you on that.


slaygalthessily July 31 2021, 12:47:38 UTC
I haven’t been up to date with this show since…. What season was Imra Ardeen in? But I may read a quick summary and watch the finale.


thelana July 31 2021, 13:04:14 UTC
Season 3 is the one with Imra. They are on season 6 now. Season 4 not much happened other that they introduced Brainiac 5 and Dreamer as regular characters and Alex got a new girlfriend. Season 5 is where Lena found out about Kara's secret and went full psycho over it. Season 6 Kara has spent most of her time stuck in the phantom zone because of Melissa Benoist's maternity leave. Oh and she found her dad also stuck in the phantom zone.

I can't believe that they are still using Lex Luthor as a main villain. They used him as a villain in 4,5 and 6. He was entertaining for like ... half a season. Worst decision they ever made as far as I'm concerned.


slaygalthessily July 31 2021, 13:43:11 UTC
I just need to find out why brainy is now green and I’ll be all good. This show tho is so much wasted potential but really? Still lex?


drbat July 31 2021, 14:43:40 UTC
So what has the show been about when Supergirl was gone?


bodyline July 31 2021, 13:05:53 UTC
it’s been years now but i’m still salty about how dirty they did jimmy olsen after the show moved to the cw. spending the whole first season building up jimmy/kara only to have them finally kiss in the finale, then the cw takes over and “oh! jk let’s just forget all that, we’re totes just friends!!! also here’s a white guy for kara to have instead 🥰” like what the actual fuck


thelana July 31 2021, 13:15:13 UTC
It's depressingly predictable that most of the news sites fail to mention that James is also back for the big fight.

Like I get that Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood are the bigger news because they are married in real life, but would it kill them to mention Mehcad in the same breath as Jeremy Jordan/Winn?


therearewords July 31 2021, 13:43:40 UTC
I stopped watching soon after. Sloppy and rude.


darklitplanet July 31 2021, 14:41:44 UTC
that's what got me to stop watching this show tbh, it was so transparently gross and poorly written. i keep thinking maybe one of these days i'll catch up on everything i've missed (i'm curious about seeing nicole maines' character) but everytime i remember that it just leaves such a bad taste in my mouth


ellehcimbelle July 31 2021, 13:07:56 UTC
i didn't even know any of these people had left the show, that's how far behind i am i guess.


namae_nai July 31 2021, 13:16:06 UTC
lol same


evett July 31 2021, 13:12:10 UTC
mon-el, james and jeremy jordon back on set? supercorp fandom about to have a whole ass meltdown over the finale


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