DC writers/creators discuss the hot mess that was The New52 reboot

Jul 06, 2021 17:47

ICYMI: DC Comics Creators Discuss The New 52, The Good, The Bad And The Ugly #dccomics #new52 #comics https://t.co/UYx1xwzWL5
- Bleeding Cool (@bleedingcool) July 6, 2021
-For those of you who don't know/remember, back in 2011, DC Comics/Dan Didio decided that they needed to revamp their main universe ( Read more... )

batman, comic books, the flash (cw), dc comics, supergirl (cw), superman / smallville, wonder woman

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Comments 69

fauxkaren July 6 2021, 23:27:10 UTC
I am like... 3 months behind in my comics reading. Oops.


a_files06 July 6 2021, 23:34:42 UTC
You're missing out on some decent Dinah scenes in JL and WW/WG along with Barb/Dick


fauxkaren July 6 2021, 23:43:12 UTC
I’m taking a vacation in a couple of weeks. I’m gonna try to catch up then!


polynucleotide July 6 2021, 23:42:19 UTC
lol same i havent read a dc book since infinite frontier started. ill catch up soon.


ponyboy July 6 2021, 23:44:53 UTC
they did wondy and the amazons so dirty and i hate how it influenced the dceu.


mighty_orange July 6 2021, 23:45:17 UTC
I was so traumatized by what they did to the X-men to prop up their MCU that I dropped the comics completely. I only got back into it recently because another long time fan assured me that Hickman turned It around.

No MCU movie will ever provide me with the joy of seeing Inhumans flopping away from the universe after that mess. BYE

... )


blorpz July 6 2021, 23:53:59 UTC
i always found the avengers kinda boring (maybe i read the wrong books) so them blowing up (especially in merchandise!) bugged the shit out of me and i just checked out

but, yeah, i also heard the X books have been great since hickman


bulastar July 7 2021, 00:03:24 UTC
I was like that too but I've peeked back in and X-men has been great recently?

Like, they have ended the whole Cyclops/Jean/Wolverine love triangle by simply putting them in a poly relationship.

The Krakoa thing is refreshing and I hope it's the status quo permanently or at least for a good long while

ETA: oops, I thought you wrote that were thinking of getting back into x-men but you are already there, lol I can't read

let me use this edit to add that I'm glad my OTP Rictor and Shatterstar are back together again and I hope this is the last time writers break them up over dumb editorial bullshit because their bond is too strong <3

Having them break up so that Rictor could go on a date with Iceman even though Iceman recruited Rictor when he was a CHILD while Iceman was an ADULT was especially egregious


damaliaraya July 7 2021, 00:40:57 UTC
Ric and Star are back together? 🥺 my Inner X-Force obsessed child is once again at peace. They were the first people I ever shipped, before I even knew what shipping was, and every time some editorial mandate fucks them over I was to scream.


frejasface July 6 2021, 23:46:30 UTC
I was fine with Kate and Maggie not getting married. Maggie was boring.


maishi_obuki July 7 2021, 00:21:42 UTC
Ain't nothing wrong with a stable "boring" spouse. Batwoman has some normality to come home to.


polynucleotide July 6 2021, 23:48:07 UTC
this whole 'ben reilly is back and taking over' thing theyre doing in the fall really has my interest. like it looks like theyre actually going to kill peter off but who really knows.


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