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Comments 133

celja May 6 2021, 18:38:47 UTC
Sorry for screwing up the first draft, mods!


ponyboy May 6 2021, 18:39:51 UTC
josh trank ALWAYS trashes his projects


manu19 May 6 2021, 18:40:31 UTC
I am still mad at the way they screwed up that Independence Day sequel. I loved the original movie but the sequel was just over the top CGI nonsense and I was initially so excited about a planned follow up


weighty_ghost May 6 2021, 19:35:04 UTC
I feel like there is something to be said about the fact that movies like Independence Day and Jurassic Park, despite being made in the 90s with limited CGI, all practical, and they're AMAZING, while the remakes relied way too much on CGI and explosions and whatever else (never saw the ID sequel but I imagine)


manu19 May 6 2021, 19:39:14 UTC
Exactly. I watched Jurassic Park again the other day and besides the dated technology they used, it looked pretty great! I don’t think the Same will be Said about Jurassic World in a few years.


ahkna May 6 2021, 19:43:04 UTC
Phew YES. Jurassic Park is still absolutely visually FLAWLESS, whereas the more recent movies are so glossy and empty, and I do think that's the shininess of the CGI


hypertwink May 6 2021, 18:41:40 UTC
I'm actually curious as to what the F4 movie would have looked like, originally. That would have been more interesting.


sandstorm May 6 2021, 18:50:46 UTC
There was a really great article by (Vulture?) that outlined what he wanted it to be. I remember the car and like Planet Doom? idk I'm not familiar with the comics, but it sounded much cooler.


futile_devices May 6 2021, 18:42:06 UTC
Batman and Robin is bad but it's fun as hell


missjersey May 6 2021, 18:48:15 UTC
Such a fun movie.


murphyboy11 May 6 2021, 19:33:26 UTC
7 year old me was OBSESSED with that film.


futile_devices May 6 2021, 21:03:20 UTC
SAME! That was peak cinema to me at 7.


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