Eiza González covers Shape magazine

Apr 14, 2021 17:04


"I feel like a woman, I can move my body, and it makes me feel really empowered, something that I never would have felt in my 20s." https://t.co/fiJbYADgzW
- Shape Magazine (@Shape_Magazine) April 14, 2021




On breaking her collarbone in 2018-"Not a lot of people know this, but it really changed the trajectory of my professional life," she says of being sidelined for three months after a film-set injury and missing out on big projects she had lined up.

On body confidence that came with turning 30-"Maybe four years ago, I went on a trip with my then boyfriend and got photographed by paparazzi at the beach. You could see cellulite on my leg in the photos, and I was so embarrassed. Now I feel so sexy when I see my cellulite or my butt - that it's big, with little dimples. I feel so sexy just having a jiggle, or when I sit and my legs create that little fat on the side of my hip. I really do. I feel like a woman, I can move my body, and it makes me feel really empowered, something that I never would have felt in my 20s."

on having an anything goes day-"One day a week, I eat whatever I want. That's my one rule. I'll eat brownies. I'll eat pizza. I'll eat all the foods I want to eat because that's what this body needs to be happy. This past year, I started finding new recipes and trying to learn how to cook. That really motivated me. I realized that I'm cleaning my system from the inside out, and it really began to show. It was beautiful because I've never felt as healthy as I feel right now."

beauty routine-
-clarifying cream from Ayur-Medic
-skin medica lytera 2.0 (I hear great things about this)

-Eminence brand cleanser
-Dr. Dennis Gross steamer
-VH method peel salicylic acid wipes

1 2 3 4

Ontd, what’s the last magazine you bought?

magazine covers and articles, latino celebrities, actor / actress
