Jeremy Renner Accuses His Ex-Wife of Misappropriating Almost $50,000 from Daughter's Trust Fund

May 19, 2020 16:19

Jeremy Renner Accuses His Ex-Wife of Misappropriating Almost $50,000 from Daughter's Trust Fund
- People (@people) May 19, 2020
Renner alleged Pacheco had transferred nearly $50,000 in less than 2 years from their daughter Ava's trust fund account ( Read more... )

celebrity children / siblings, family drama, legal / lawsuit, jeremy renner

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Comments 82

theactualworst May 19 2020, 16:22:46 UTC
I feel so bad for that kid.


magicpebble May 19 2020, 16:23:54 UTC
It sucks if she was taking money from her daughter's account to pay for stuff for herself, which certainly violates the court order, but I assume Renner has plenty of money and he could probably pay more to support his kid, so team nobody I guess.


syvlie0o0 May 19 2020, 16:24:39 UTC
Going through a divorce/custody issues seems so fucking expensive, how is anyone able to keep any money?


rubie_dubidoux May 19 2020, 16:27:12 UTC
is 27 a standard age for being able to access a trust fund? seems random.


dumpweeds May 19 2020, 16:30:13 UTC
I think that’s just the leftover. So after she goes to college etc and if she goes to grad school, 27 is when she’d be done and get what’s left in the account


veritas_44 May 19 2020, 17:52:08 UTC
Most trust funds can be set for any age or with any stipulations you choose. At 18, you can petition the courts to get the money sooner but that usually only happens in dire circumstances.


astorpl May 19 2020, 19:25:05 UTC
when I was 12 I got hit by a car, and I got 80k from the lawsuit. I got the money when I turned 18. my family is generational poor and didn't teach me a single thing about saving or credit so I spent it soooo quickly on stupid shit (i mean yes school and housing but also way too much stupid shit). I'm now 25 and in debt, have not so great credit, and I wish soooooooo badly I could go back in time and 1. teach myself basic money tips 2. not to use that money until like 22. sure, some people can be very very responsible at 18, i'm just speaking for myself


queer_bee May 19 2020, 16:28:05 UTC
Poor kid.

Also why the hell would you take money from your kid’s trust fund just to get Christmas presents and birthday gift bags? A child doesn’t have to host grand parties.


starlight_icons May 19 2020, 16:35:29 UTC
queer_bee May 19 2020, 16:44:30 UTC
It’s very typical of Hollywood parents to be this way. I mean just look at Kris Jenner...


littlebones May 19 2020, 20:11:43 UTC
isn't that what the child support would go to paying?


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