"Airplane Mode" is the the most popular non-English film on Netflix ever

Feb 27, 2020 22:11

🚨✈️hit alert🚨✈️

AIRPLANE MODE is the most popular non-English film on Netflix so far! Nearly 28 million households watched the film since it premiered 4 weeks ago - two thirds of them in countries including the US, Mexico, France and Germany. https://t.co/mRa8iVwoh2
- Netflix Film (@NetflixFilm) February 27, 2020
The Brazilian movie Airplane Mode ( ( Read more... )

latino celebrities, netflix, come to brazil

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Comments 66

abcdlovelife February 28 2020, 01:48:36 UTC
oh hell yes! i know what i'll be watching tonight


euraylie February 28 2020, 01:52:40 UTC
I can rarely watch non-English films on Netflix because they don’t offer English subtitles


justrachna February 28 2020, 02:55:45 UTC
What country are you in? I am in Canada and I am able to get english subtitles. I had disable dubbing so it wouldn’t default to that


lysblack February 28 2020, 03:13:54 UTC
Weird, I'm from Brazil and most of the content here provides English subtitles.


euraylie February 28 2020, 03:27:54 UTC
That’s so strange. We’re in the Caribbean and we mostly get Spanish and Portuguese subtitles


trendsnational February 28 2020, 01:58:03 UTC
Larissa Manoela the new queen of Globo & Netflix.


littlebones February 28 2020, 02:13:42 UTC
i can't concentrate on dubbed media, it's so distracting. i much prefer subtitles. they're usually on when i watch english programming too.

i just finished crash landing on you... my first k-drama! it was so good.


milfordacademy February 28 2020, 02:17:46 UTC
I am about halfway through crash landing on you... so good


a_model_citizen February 28 2020, 02:14:17 UTC
Has anyone seen it and if so, is it any good?

I just finished the Danish series The Rain on Netflix. It was a bit hard to follow, even with subtitles. I feel like I need a few weeks on Duolingo before the next season lol


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