Internet Famous Nobody Goes to Jail After Domain Robbery Gone Wrong

Dec 10, 2019 14:20

Internet jerk with million fans jailed for 14 years after bizarre dot-com armed robbery
- The Register (@TheRegister) December 10, 2019
It's time for the latest entry in the Nobody of the Day series, featuring gunpoint attempted robbery of a domain name. If you don't know, a domain name is the readable address of a website so ( Read more... )

computers and technology, nobody, legal / lawsuit, internet celebrities

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Comments 47

beigemediocrity December 10 2019, 21:16:47 UTC
What? Such a bizarre story. I have never heard about something like this before.


artemisofluna December 10 2019, 21:17:25 UTC
This...was a ride... What fucking scum to use their homeless cousin like that.


urfad December 10 2019, 21:18:17 UTC
Oh my gosh! he got his homeless cousin to go to the owners' house and threaten him with a gun.

How did he think this was going to work?


polynucleotide December 10 2019, 21:21:05 UTC

... )


satellite__eyes December 10 2019, 21:21:08 UTC
Holy shit what a story


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