SVU Promo for 21x07: Margaret Cho!

Nov 01, 2019 22:22

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In next week's SVU episode, Margaret Cho guest stars as the perp, and that's all we need to know to get exchited tbh. I must admit, you can see the effort to be more inclusive this year (stereotypes aside). It's about time.


ONTD, I won't make empty promises about responding (although I will try! I read all your comments but I'm a bit overworked at the moment and I haven't had time to respond), but did you watch last night's episode? Because I did, and I kinda loved it? Wentworth Miller was great? And made me wish he was our new ADA, or at least Carisi's new boss? And Guillermo Diaz was just as moving as he was in his original episode? And the Simon thing lol? And all those Fin/Carisi scenes? Good stuff! My favorite episode this season, for sure. Plus, this makes 2 episodes I really enjoyed in a row! How about you? Lastly, do you now ship Wentworth Miller with Carisi or are you a Barisi loyalist?

television - nbc, law and order (nbc), television promo / stills, mariska hargitay, television
