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Comments 108

little_giant October 13 2019, 16:43:11 UTC
This looks like a really expensive film to be releasing in January.

Also what a terrible song choice for the trailer.


locksuperpower October 13 2019, 17:58:54 UTC
The song choice was so wrong! Threw off the vibe completely


josiefier October 13 2019, 18:49:36 UTC

You didn't lie. I kept expecting a funeral scene.


glitterslugs October 13 2019, 21:00:57 UTC
It was so emotional lol


potatoehead25 October 13 2019, 16:48:34 UTC
The description for this film looks better than the trailer. I don’t it’s good because it’s being released on January instead of Xmas o summer


schmankerl October 13 2019, 16:48:49 UTC
Idk that plot doesn't sound interesting to me at all and there's going to be so much CGI. I feel like all of RDJ's characters feel like the same person in different settings.


artemisofluna October 14 2019, 00:37:48 UTC
They really do these days. It's so weird, he used to be such a great actor. Now he's just RDJ.


schmankerl October 14 2019, 09:29:35 UTC
Yeah, it's like he's become one of those actors where you only see the actor and can't really see the character anymore. Though I also feel like e.g. his Sherlock doesn't seem that different from his Tony Stark personality wise, so that adds a lot to it, too.


beigemediocrity October 13 2019, 16:49:10 UTC
This amount of photoshop they used on RDJ for this still is obscene.


peddlestools October 13 2019, 16:49:25 UTC
Tom Holland and rdj starring in another film together


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