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Comments 51

swimbee October 11 2019, 12:01:13 UTC
I really like Nora Roberts.

I worked for this shitty bookstore chain when I was in college. She visited our store on a tour and the only advertisement was a sign in the window that our manager hung the day before. This was pre social media, so only a handful of people showed up. At one point I asked her if she would like me to get her some coffee or something to eat - she asked for a coffee and gave me extra money to get one for myself. I sat at her table and we chatted for about an hour. I asked her a ton of questions, and if she was annoyed (she probably was) she never showed it.

So, I would never plagiarize Nora and hurt her in that way!


therearewords October 11 2019, 12:08:17 UTC
Bask in her glory!


willardwright October 11 2019, 13:31:35 UTC
Aww, this is so sweet.


suggestivepeach October 11 2019, 13:53:08 UTC

This is such a cute story! I wish that were more possible in this day and age.


youdontknowme October 11 2019, 12:37:52 UTC
op, i do understand what plagiarism is. however, i do not understand what this is:
she sends her in a bookshop working son out ????

great post though! i don't think i've read anything by nora roberts, and tbh i don't know how or why because i am very into romance novels lol i thought for sure i had but i checked her website and nothing is ringing a bell


therearewords October 11 2019, 12:41:28 UTC
Son works in a book shop, is told to go check if the plagiarism is real. Lemme check.


youdontknowme October 11 2019, 12:47:03 UTC
lol got it - maybe it should read "she sends her bookshop-worker son out to research" or "she sends in her bookshop-worker son to research"?


veal October 11 2019, 13:37:28 UTC
She also writes a mystery series as J. D. Robb.


moonsenorita October 11 2019, 12:51:41 UTC
I was hoping she would have a Danielle Steele like desk.

Also lol. Don't plagiarize. 🤦‍♀️


squirrels_oh_no October 11 2019, 12:52:05 UTC
The Tomi Adeyemi thing was such a trip. Girl let her success bought by her publishers get to her head.


rashida October 11 2019, 16:31:56 UTC
the funny thing is that they're both published by the same company.


shahrazade_bard October 12 2019, 03:00:11 UTC
Legit. Like sis, you're a debut author in your mid 20's, you really think La Nora had to ride YOUR coattails to get some success? Pump the brakes, babe.


insomniachobs October 11 2019, 12:58:37 UTC
I'm slightly in awe of the level of audacity required to plagiarise somebody and then tell *them* to do the work of re-editing the book to fix it.


crash31 October 11 2019, 13:17:44 UTC
Right?! And especially to ask a very seasoned, well known writer to do your work 🤭


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