(23) 5 Books that scared people into stop reading them

Oct 09, 2019 10:47

23 books that actually freaked people out so badly, they had to stop reading https://t.co/7OVqp1piXi pic.twitter.com/4BvyQ6NElM
- BuzzFeed UK (@BuzzFeedUK) October 7, 2019

Halloween Día de muertos is coming, so here’s a list of a list of creepy books that unnerved people.

1. Misery by Stephen king
Psychological horror thriller from famed ( Read more... )

list, books / authors, creepy post

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Comments 153

nutella_forever October 9 2019, 16:53:37 UTC
This reminds me of a friend of mine who burned De Sade’s “Justine” or “Juliette” in an alley back in high school


ultrasushi October 9 2019, 17:38:17 UTC
I remember trying to read Justine in high school because I thought I was being a badass by reading smutty fanfiction, but I couldn't understand anything. My first language is french but it was written so long ago in fancy old french so I couldn't tell what was going on lmao.


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hannahstarr October 9 2019, 17:25:34 UTC
I've heard two different explanations for Poe's disappearance, one is that she is an a Jojo-like situation with her label. The other is that she had surgery on her vocal chords. Both might be true, or neither, IDK.


just444 October 9 2019, 16:54:27 UTC
House of Leaves is so overrated

the only book that really creeped me out is The Shining


therearewords October 9 2019, 17:12:47 UTC


magicpebble October 9 2019, 17:14:34 UTC
The Shining got me, too.


familyjules October 9 2019, 18:20:04 UTC
House of Leaves is terrible. It was a chore to finish that fucking book I hated it so much.


teaaet October 9 2019, 16:54:44 UTC
let the right one in was so scary i had to take breaks while i was reading it. i was having vivid horror-dreams and confusing my dreams about the book with reality, like i was asleep dreaming i was awake and events from the book were actually happening to me. shit was fucking intense.


jammyjam October 10 2019, 21:43:50 UTC
Def a scary book, I agree bb


spencoid October 9 2019, 16:54:49 UTC
I don't think a book has ever scared me. I feel way too much control. When you're watching something it's much more passive.


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eveofrevolution October 9 2019, 17:04:15 UTC
milotic2 October 9 2019, 17:11:19 UTC
I have only felt really scared, like enough to not wanting to turn the page, when reading Salem's Lot and some parts of It


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