Celebs flocked to Google Summit in private jets, mega yachts to talk Climate Change

Aug 01, 2019 12:14

Billionaire Summer Camp: The Rich And Famous Flock To Sicily For The Top Secret Google Retreat. Chris Martin performs at the ruins for VIPS including @Harry_Styles and @katyperry, via @Forbes https://t.co/knrsqZWlpw pic.twitter.com/sfvoh16tbG
- Jim Dobson (@TheLuxeWorld) July 30, 2019

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barack obama / michelle obama, harry styles, leonardo dicaprio, katy perry, google / android, royalty / royal family, actor / actress

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Comments 187

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backwardsjoker August 1 2019, 22:07:57 UTC
Ah sorry, it was one of the only ones I saw talk about this. I'll change it in a bit


rexilla August 1 2019, 22:11:06 UTC
that explains why they used that picture of Obama


backwardsjoker August 1 2019, 22:18:05 UTC
Changed it, my b


vivahodie August 1 2019, 22:05:16 UTC
I am currently in an environmental and occupational health class as part my master of public health program.

Climate change will kill us before any other threat (war, artificial intelligence, economic crisis). We have 20-30 years MAX to get our shit together and these rich assholes dgaf about their carbon footprints.

I saw an article that said Jeff Bezos is heavily investing in space travel because “we’ve already killed the earth” YOU (Jeff Bezos) killed the earth, you alien headed, Voldemort looking bastard.


chungkingxpress August 1 2019, 22:09:07 UTC
Billionaires are fucking evil.


vivahodie August 1 2019, 22:12:07 UTC
"We humans have to go to space if we are going to continue to have a thriving civilization," he said. "We have become big as a population, as a species, and this planet is relatively small. We see it in things like climate change and pollution and heavy industry. We are in the process of destroying this planet."

-Jeff Bezos

How TF are we going to get to those settlements Jeff? Are you planning on building low income housing in space??


sastra_fuss August 2 2019, 05:06:50 UTC
Only billionaires are going to colonize space. The rest of us will burn


evett August 1 2019, 22:06:06 UTC
The Post calculated, based on the number of private jets flown (114 in total), that 784,000 worth of kilograms of CO2 had been released into the air during the weekend.

ummm I'm pretty sure we solved the worlds environmental crisis by getting rid of plastic straws at restaurants. So its totally fine to get back in our yachts and jets


misscrystal25 August 1 2019, 22:19:32 UTC
Don't forget the 10 cent bags at the grocery store we're collecting in our pantry because we never remember to bring them with us because some people don't yet have a cute way to store thick plastic bags in their cars without it looking janky.


xtinkerbellax August 1 2019, 22:31:27 UTC
"because some people don't yet have a cute way to store thick plastic bags in their cars without it looking janky"

Oh come on lol


misscrystal25 August 1 2019, 23:23:54 UTC
Sorry I don't know where else to keep them?


chungkingxpress August 1 2019, 22:06:33 UTC
How can people still claim climate change isn't real?

This is a roaring glacial melt, under the bridge to Kangerlussiauq, Greenland where it's 22C today and Danish officials say 12 billions tons of ice melted in 24 hours, yesterday. pic.twitter.com/Rl2odG4xWj
- Laurie Garrett (@Laurie_Garrett) 1 de agosto de 2019


orange_jelly23 August 1 2019, 22:59:55 UTC
just to be clear, everyone in power knows it's real but it is in their financial/political interests to deny it


babs August 2 2019, 04:24:05 UTC


vaels August 1 2019, 23:18:28 UTC
came into this post to make sure this tweet was posted. 12 fucking billion?? I can't even conceptualise what that would look like but this video clip is doing a good job of terrifying me even if it's a sliver of the melt.


futile_devices August 1 2019, 22:08:06 UTC

... )


lolitalockheart August 1 2019, 23:39:58 UTC
Ok this performance legit makes me so emotional but I'm cackling right now omg


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