We Finally Got a Mötley Crüe Movie and It Was Worth the Wait

Mar 25, 2019 18:09

We Finally Got a Mötley Crüe Movie and It Was Worth the Wait https://t.co/tFBU6iuBx2 via @RAVerBruggen #TheDirt pic.twitter.com/YtHfy0bLW2
- National Review (@NRO) March 22, 2019

Tbh just an excuse to make this post bc I read The Dirt when I was in hospital and I have fond memories. (of pulling through when I was sick, not w/ Motley lmao, but now ( Read more... )

music / musician (rock), music / musician, iwan rheon, british celebrities, netflix, 1980s

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Comments 124

patentpending March 25 2019, 05:42:46 UTC
Someone wanted me to watch this with them the other day and I did pretty begrudgingly. I thought I had prepared myself for how bad it would be but it was even worse. Somehow even more horrible than those lifetime movies. Everything about it was gross and corny.


justrachna March 25 2019, 12:01:24 UTC
Yeah my expectations were low and it didn’t even meet my low expectations, it was so bad. At least you can blame your friend for forcing you to watch this. For whatever reason, I chose to watch this!


charmqn86 March 25 2019, 05:51:14 UTC
I kind of liked MGK as Tommy.

But definitely a gross movie...the best part was the ending sequence of Home sweet Home/Kick Start My heart and the clips


devoida_taste March 25 2019, 14:14:41 UTC
The end montage/round up was my fave too.


readmymiind March 25 2019, 16:17:07 UTC


colorfilm March 25 2019, 06:11:24 UTC
had never seen pete davidson in motion and im good with never seeing it again ever. why was he even cast, so pointless.

it was terrible and idk who told MGK he could act. iwan was indeed wasted which was disappointedb. i did like douglas as nikki though.


devoida_taste March 25 2019, 14:15:42 UTC
This was the first time I saw him in motion too, and he's even grosser than I ever thought. Blech.


moddchicc March 25 2019, 06:21:45 UTC
Musicians just shouldn't be involved with the productions of their biopics


zoaster_toaster March 25 2019, 06:24:14 UTC
Completely agreed, and I think this video did touch on why that’s a problem:


beigemediocrity March 25 2019, 13:24:42 UTC
I agree I am interested in watching real uncensored biopics than some sugar coated fairy tales. Not mentioning Tommy Lee’s abuse is like doing a movie about Bill Gates and not mentioning Microsoft.


zoaster_toaster March 25 2019, 06:22:29 UTC
I refuse to watch this movie and thought this article is a good summary of why I have made that decision:



patentpending March 25 2019, 07:04:47 UTC
"Nikki Sixx tells a story about taking a drunk woman into a hotel room closet to have sex, then sneaking out and sending a procession of other men into the room after him. He writes that “I had probably gone too far” and that he had “pretty much” raped her - but lest you think he’s experiencing self-reflection, in the very next paragraph he recounts the time he and drummer Tommy Lee brought a homeless woman to Lee’s bed for sex, then stole her clothes."

What the fuck?


readmymiind March 25 2019, 07:08:33 UTC
Disgusting pieces of shit


glitterslugs March 25 2019, 07:14:52 UTC
Yeah theyre trash humans


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