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Comments 18

drkshdw March 8 2019, 22:14:10 UTC
we don't want it clean!!!


soft_volume March 8 2019, 22:15:22 UTC


safaiagem March 8 2019, 22:17:16 UTC
I'm so glad this is the first comment


zodgory March 8 2019, 23:13:02 UTC
lol, mte

Though one time I won an item worn by an actor, and it did throw me off that they hadn't washed it lol


littlelistmaker March 8 2019, 22:14:58 UTC
i really appreciate that he specifically made it a sweepstakes because he doesn't want it to just go to someone rich. he's a great dude.


moonseternity March 8 2019, 22:28:44 UTC
Yeah, I'm glad it's this way. I don't even bother with omaze stuff anymore because I know I don't have enough money.


peppermint_fox March 9 2019, 01:50:33 UTC
Yeah same.


frankthesheep March 8 2019, 23:02:33 UTC
Really sweet that it was a spontaneous thing.

I'm not sure why he is saying the shirt would be clean. Wont the sharpie fade/come off?


livejournal March 8 2019, 23:33:10 UTC
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archersangel March 9 2019, 00:41:07 UTC
....oh, and many more we're still trying to decipher!

If it's an "alcohol-infused idea" that means that at least 3-4 of the signatures are random behind-the-scenes people & at least one assistant.


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