[BACKDATED to 13th August; RL - Eris - Entertaining Chaos (or, Let's Hope London Isn't Destroyed)]

Aug 20, 2009 18:13

[This was such a bad idea. But England had been in the proverbial situation of being stuck between a rock and a hard place, and this, in the long term, seemed like the lesser of the two evils. "This" being "having his arm twisted into having the Greek Goddess of Chaos over for dinner."Bloody hell, this is why he doesn't go in for religion properly ( Read more... )

england hates religion, eris, 1940, ic, this was a wonderful idea at the time, rl

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Comments 61

Resistance is futile! chaos_godess August 20 2009, 18:13:08 UTC
[Arthur was with no doubt one of the funniest nations to mess with. He was so stupidly proud she couldn't help but push his buttons at the first occasion.

Eris materialize herself inside of Arthur's house, knocking was probably more polite, but she never cares about that and he is going to be more irritated this way.]


Nuuuuu! ofhopeandglory August 20 2009, 20:08:11 UTC
[asbfjab okay that surprised him a little, but not as much as it could have, considering Minato arrived the same way when he visited. But Eris was right in thinking that it's irritated him!]

... I suppose it was too much for you to ask to use the front door?


Is isssss! Hope it's in vain! chaos_godess August 20 2009, 20:39:28 UTC
"Yes, it is." [She grins.] "Doors are boring and I saved you time, dear., didn't I?"]


Never~! *fights on the beaches, etc, etc XD* ofhopeandglory August 20 2009, 21:05:20 UTC
[sigh] "Yes, yes, I suppose so."


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