i'll be writing love songs, silly banging knee songs.

Oct 19, 2008 16:07

I might fail horribly at this but, seeing as I'm going to try and attempt NaNo this year, and I'm pretty much up for anything that gets me to write again... meme!

Pick a pairing from my fandoms, and comment with a location and/or situation (I'm going to bend the meme a bit here and say that any prompt at all is good, not just location/situation), ( Read more... )

torchwood, ex oh ex oh, (my embarassingly bad) fic, deciple of the blue box, laura the memesheep

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Comments 30

persiflage_1 October 19 2008, 15:25:55 UTC
Martha/Ten, post-S4

Martha/Ross Jenkins, post-Sontaran care

Martha/Donna, TARDIS kitchen


offthebalcony October 19 2008, 16:38:39 UTC
Ten/Martha (Um... this kind of sucks and it's ~360 words but um... enjoy ( ... )


persiflage_1 October 19 2008, 16:43:31 UTC
That does NOT suck in any way, shape or form! It's bloody brilliant - especially the last paragraph!

*hugs you hard* Thank you!

Don't feel obliged to write the other two...


offthebalcony October 19 2008, 17:58:15 UTC
Thank you so much!


dirgni19 October 19 2008, 15:31:00 UTC
Hee, since Pers covered all the DW ones I wanted to pick out, here's one of my TW OTPs:

Owen/Tosh, post- Adam.. and they remember everything!


offthebalcony October 19 2008, 17:22:08 UTC
Owen/Tosh (Again I apologise for the suck. I really have no excuse for this. Um.. angst >> quality?)

He turns up on her doorstep at two in the morning. His broken pieces, the ones usually hidden beneath his smile and charm, are laid bare for all to see (like broken glass ripping through his skin and oh, he’s bleeding in front of her). There’s a Vodka bottle in his right hand and she knows without looking that it’s almost empty.

He doesn’t even look at her before he pulls her in. His lips crushed to her, their teeth clacking together in way that would be painful if she could make sense of anything. Her head is foggy as she tries to pull away but he makes a noise that sounds too much like a snarl and just like that she’s kissing him again. His fingers are cool against the small of her back but she presses into them anyway.

“I remember. Everything.” She feels the shape of the words against her skin and something fragile splinters inside her chest. His head drops onto her shoulder and she slides her fingers into the hair at the base ( ... )


dirgni19 October 19 2008, 19:15:14 UTC
Umm what! I see no suckage here AT ALL! Oh man, you know I love the angst, and angry!kissing is kind of a kink of mine, so this was perfect! And oh oh, the last two paragraphs killed me. When I first suggested the prompt I didn't think it would be that deliciously angsty, but then again this is Tosh and Owen we're talking about here, of course it's bound to be!

like broken glass ripping through his skin and oh, he’s bleeding in front of her

ILOVEDTHIS. Okay, basically you rock for writing this piece, thank you!! ♥


offthebalcony October 19 2008, 19:47:52 UTC
Oh, thank you. I don't know why it was so angsty, apparently that's all I can write? I have no idea. Maybe it's just 'coz it's Owen, and he's so very fucked up and dysfunctional and it's Tosh who's so in love with him that it hurts and THEY BOTH DIED. And I can't be happy about them any more.

But, thank you so much, you're always so nice about my writings lol


jolteons October 19 2008, 15:34:25 UTC
are you in gg? i feel like yes but i'm not sure :) if so, chuck/serena (favorite ship omg) idk, in chuck's limo?


offthebalcony October 19 2008, 17:56:04 UTC
CHUCK/SERENA(!!!) WIN. I'll be working on it, I suck at crack though and this would have to cracky or it wouldn't work? *headdesks* WILL WORK ON IT.


jolteons October 19 2008, 17:58:01 UTC
IA, would so be hard to pull of with a completely straight face. lulz, most of what i write is semi-cracky anyways. so of course i would like a semi-cracky ship


offthebalcony October 19 2008, 18:02:33 UTC
Apparently my brain only watches the Angst Channel. But, Chuck/Serena are solid gold in their scenes (which there are NOT ENOUGH OF BTW WRITERS) so, yay, for them, I will try.


second_of_may October 19 2008, 16:21:33 UTC
Helo/Sharon, forest. I don't know LMAO.

young!Rufus/Lily, rock show!!


offthebalcony October 20 2008, 19:23:53 UTC
For some reason this really didn't want to be written? Idk, but I wanted to write them so bad because, hello, OTP so.. this is what I managed. I keep on saying this but I apologize for the epic fail. I did mean to go over this again but every time I did it just kept on getting even worse so, this is it. Ummm.. enjoy?


There’s glitter in her hair.

It’s the first thing he notices the moment he comes off stage, his guitar still swinging around his neck and adrenaline rushing through every inch of him. She has glitter in her hair and a camera in her hand, and there’s something about those things that he instantly recognises as so Lily that it makes it chest ache.

He stops moving three steps away from her, not sure of how to continue, everything’s still too new between them, and he is just terrified of screwing it all up. Because she isn’t the type of girl you can rush things with, she’s not the kind of girl you can just get over. Lily’s the kind of girl you write stupid love songs about and love until you die. He ( ... )


j_p_fan October 20 2008, 19:27:06 UTC


second_of_may October 20 2008, 20:42:25 UTC

my heart. do you think you could be a writer for their spin-off? because they obviously need one.



j_p_fan October 19 2008, 16:40:28 UTC
♥ House/Wilson - IDK, anything really..
♥ Chuck/Casey - "you're always there to catch me when I fall"
♥ Wash/Zoe - Post-Objects in Space, Pre-Serenity

Okay, I'm crap at thinking of prompts. Sorry!!!


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