x will mark the place.

Sep 05, 2010 18:05

OKAY, SO, THIS HAPPENED. I'M NOT SURE HOW. Well, no, that's sort of a lie. What happened was this: I got terrified about the impending Going To University situation and, in that terror, I seemed to retreat into nostalgia by re-reading Harry Potter. This was probably one of the best things I have ever done. THESE BOOKS THESE BOOKS THESE BOOKS. And, ( Read more... )

fanmixes are my antidrug, music is my boyfriend, wizards with lightning bolt scars

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Comments 7

koishii_hime September 5 2010, 22:02:50 UTC
totally going to download this. r/s AND music? :D A+++


enjoyelsilence September 6 2010, 01:39:53 UTC

darling, this is so lovely. probably just what i needed right now, a little break from my beloved obsessions but ohhhh ♥


unavoidedcrisis September 8 2010, 00:59:38 UTC
Love it!


xbrokenglass September 10 2010, 04:45:09 UTC
lovelyyyy. downloading thanks.


roterstern September 10 2010, 11:15:05 UTC
omfg remus/sirius love does still exist, also in the form of a fanmix? eeeeeeeeeeeeek ♥♥

the fanmix is LOVELY, as is the music. well actually the music is MORE than lovely. it's fucking perfect. thanks for this!


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