Fic: A Small Token of Our Appreciation

Aug 03, 2009 00:32

Accidentally posted this at pinto_fic instead of putting it here and linking to it, as is my usual practice. This post is mainly for archiving purposes.

Title: A Small Token of Our Appreciation
Pairing: *small cough* Er. Zach/Chris/Leonard. Ish. Established relationship Pinto + Leonard, more like.
Rating: NC-17 like burning, I fear.
Disclaimer: These are ( Read more... )

pinto, nc-17, threesome, quinto, fic, pine, nimoy

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Comments 26

arhh August 3 2009, 00:34:05 UTC
I certainly will not kill you. That was hot :)


obstinatrix August 3 2009, 22:20:31 UTC
Thank you! :D


kirk_slave August 3 2009, 09:14:38 UTC
Well now that's what I call we get sequel, I'd like to watch the show too.I am so loving hot old man sex, really, please don't stop writing it or I might have to kill you...LOL


obstinatrix August 3 2009, 10:00:43 UTC

You know, I never meant to write Old Man Sex! It was supposed to be limited to young!Bill/Leonard! But then they were both so cute and adorable and augh. I have been corrupted. I don't think it'll ever stop, now.


kirk_slave August 3 2009, 10:42:10 UTC
They are sex personified whatever age they are and of course there's always Pinto to carry on the tradition.


starcrossedgirl August 3 2009, 17:15:06 UTC
I can't even tell you how hot I found this, because I'd simply end up embarrassing myself hideously. So, uh, I shall leave it at saying that this was hot in unexpected amounts of hotness. And now I totally want you to write dirty as fuck Shatnoy blowjobs, because if this was this hot not being my preferred pairing, I anticipate spontaneous combustion upon said dirty Shatnoy. And that would be a good thing.


obstinatrix August 3 2009, 18:25:57 UTC
Omg, any specifics? Because I would so be on that like come on Bill's face.


starcrossedgirl August 3 2009, 18:40:28 UTC
That, for one, would be one specific I'd highly approve of. Even better if it's Bill's first time blowing another guy and his technique is really not all that great, but Leonard doesn't give a fuck because Bill's all quietly enthusiastic and devotes himself to the task, and it's messy, and fuckit, those lips look so good wrapped around his cock, and the way Bill looks up at him whilst he sucks him...

By which I'm thinking kinda along these lines:

... )


obstinatrix August 3 2009, 18:58:06 UTC Guh. Surprise!sexy Bill always nice.

I will so be on this later. Filthy filthy dirtsexxings.


kirk_slave August 4 2009, 01:41:45 UTC
OMG Bill with come on his face, please Santa can I have this!


obstinatrix August 4 2009, 08:03:35 UTC
Almost certainly. :D


my_daroga August 4 2009, 18:29:00 UTC
Oh my goodness. Now I want the show.

Actually yes, this whole threesome/watching thing is sort of getting to me, lately, and it's your fault. Also I'm trying to still write that Leonard/Chris, so this is inspiration.

Really hot, girl.


obstinatrix August 4 2009, 19:43:08 UTC
*cling* I feel like such a filthy pornmonger! How come everything I've written lately has been porn, porn, kinky porn, threesome porn, oldmansex, and more porn?

I look at myself and go: :O!!!

But I'm pleased people are enjoying it, at any rate. And I would love that Leonard/Chris.

Writing the show would probably make me feel bad for Bill, though.


my_daroga August 4 2009, 19:48:01 UTC

Between you and starcrossedgirl, things have gotten a lot pornier, and I didn't even know I wanted it. *whimper*

Though I will probably still write Bill bouncing about like a three year old.

Good point. I totally understand wanting some not-Shatner in your kink but I am not that person.


obstinatrix August 4 2009, 19:51:14 UTC
Er, yeah, we seem to have spent too long in comment threads encouraging each other to kinky porn. *ahem* And then I look at my journal and go 'WHERE ARE ALL MY PLOTS?'

I mean. I adore Bill bouncing about like a three year old, though; I always want more of that. That, and him and Leonard being total dorks onset a la Star Trek Memories.


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