200 Prompts Celebration - Bunny-a-thon (Slash)

Feb 24, 2009 14:01

Come play in the plot bunny hutches!

We've got hutches for Gen, Het and Slash so pick your pleasure and post!

Here's how it works...

1. Let your imagination fly free (or open up that file of plot bunnies you never seem to get to) and come up with some plot bunnies that can be written as individual drabbles or a drabble series

2. Make a post in comments with the Slash or Cest pairing the bunny is about in the subject line and the bunny (or bunnies) in the body of the comment (You can put multiple bunnies in one post as long as they are all about the pairing in your subject line)

3. Read everyone else's bunny posts and if you see one you like, reply with a comment containing the fic you wrote based on that bunny!


I have Slash Charlie/Colby bunnies to share so I post the following.
Subject: Charlie/Colby

Body of Comment:

I love Charlie and Colby in Breaking Point so I'd love to see some AU riffs on that episode with them as a couple

Charlie gets shot or seriously banged up when his car wrecks and Colby holds vigil in the hospital
Charlie's post-traumatic stress is worse than in canon and Colby has to keep him from cracking up
Thank god you didn't die aftermath sex
Colby revealing his feelings to Charlie for the first time because of his fear of losing him

Someone else comes along and replies to my bunny comment.

Subject: Re: Charlie/Colby

Body of Comment:

Colby hadn't hated hospitals before, in fact when he'd woken up and realized he wasn't on the freighter, wasn't dead and was just in a hospital bed? He'd been grateful enough to dredge up a long forgotten prayer in gratitude.

Only now his prayers were for someone else. He held Charlie's limp hand tight, cursing the ICU's time limits on visitations and did his best to recall those prayers again. He needed them. Charlie needed them. And he needed Charlie to wake up again... Etc.

If you like your drabble and decide you want to properly publish it to the comm? Go ahead! It's not necessary though. These ficcy party favors are fun for all as they are. If you'd like help finding a prompt for your Bunny-a-thon drabble just post a comment with the subject line "Need a Prompt" and Mel or Emma will come help you find one that works. (When in doubt we have a bunch of Challenge Pairing prompts that work great for Slash fic.)

All ratings are welcome, but if you should hit R or NC17 just add that to the subject line as fair warning since we don't have proper headers in comment fic.

So go bunny hunting and bag yourself a few! It's rabbit season!
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