Распределение ролей

Sep 24, 2010 03:52

(повторение записи от 24-09-2010 03:52)
...среди родовой знати из 12 родов в колличестве двухсот человек выселеных (взятых в плен вождей кочевых племён нападавших на соседей) в Вавилон

Камушки в решётке указывают распределение ролей прочитанных кем то неверно, что до сих пор их называют иудеями.

Mosaic Tribes

Мозаика изображающая знаки родов (их специализацию) по значимости справа на лево снизу в верх

1. Tribe of Levi

в решётке находятся драгоценные камни соответствующие роду.

Род Левитов стоит на первом месте изумрудом (справа внизу) в иерархии, читаемой справа на лево-снизу вверх.
Решётка олицетворяет власть по сбору левитом десятины с каждого последователя иудейской догмы.
Левиты единственный род являющийся народом, сохраняющий право по крови отца и матери вне зависимости от того кто является партнёром при зачатии ребёнка.
Все остальные принимают только детей рождённых от иудеек рождённых иудейками.
Левит имеет право не обрезать крайнию плоть так как имеет в достатке денег для приобретения воды и доступ к воде.

Он назывался также «наперсник судный» (Исх. 28:15), быть может и потому, что его носил на своей груди первосвященник, такое высокое лицо, которое должно было служить источником правды и суда и решения которого по Божественному вдохновению всегда должны быть ясны, справедливы и обязательны для иудеев.

"Leah’s third son was Levi. The tribe of Levi is the Swabian-Alemannic Germans in south-west Germany and the German-speaking part of Switzerland."(c)

1. Levi - Bareqet - Emerald (light green)-symbol of generosity, modesty and kindness
2. Zevulun - Yahalom - Quartz (white)-bestows strength; symbolises purity and the love of truth
3. Gad - Shevo - Agate -(Amethyst?) (black, brown & white)-symbol of spiritual strength; guards against negative energies
4. Binyamin - Yashpeh - Jasper (multicoloured)-bestows physical strength; raises self-esteem
5. Shimon - Pitdah - Topaz (green-yellow)-brings blessing of joy and abundance to your life
6. Yissachar - Sapir - Lazurite - Lapis - Lazuli (dark blue)-symbol of honesty and clarity of thought
7. Naphtali - Ahlamah - Amethyst-(Агате?) (red wine)-has a special calming effect
8. Yosef - Shoham - Onyx (black)-strengthens one's courage and self-control
9. Reuven - Odem - Carnelian - Ruby (red)-symbol of love and marriage; aids conception, pregnancy and birth
10. Yehuda - Nofekh - Turquoise (green-blue)-leads to success in business affairs
11. Dan - Leshem - Jacinth- Zircon (red-yellow)-stimulates creativity; brings on to silf-fulfillment
12. Asher - Tarshish - Aquamarine (olive green)-purifies both body and soul; brings inner peace

Genesis 29:12.

Birth order: 1 (Genesis 29:32)
Hebrew name: ראובן
Transliterated: Reuven
Meaning: See a son "He has seen"
Reason for Name: Joy for having a son (Genesis 29:32)
Mother: Leah
Color: red
Stone: ruby (Exodus 28:17)
Associated symbol: water (Genesis 49:4)
Position around tabernacle: south (Numbers 2:10-16)
Banner: the color of his flag was red, and embroidered on it were mandrakes.

Birth order: 2 (Genesis 29:33)
Hebrew name: שמעון
Transliterated: Shimon
Meaning: Hearing "he has heard"
Reason for Name: Because the Lord heard that she was hated (Genesis 29:33)
Mother: Leah
Color: green
Stone: topaz (Exodus 28:17)
Associated symbol: Shechem (Genesis 49:5)
Position around tabernacle: south (Numbers 2:10-16)
Banner: his flag was green with the town of Shechem embroidered on it.

Birth order: 3 (Genesis 29:34)
Hebrew name: לוי
Transliterated: Levi (pronouned lev ee)
Meaning: Joined "attached"
Reason for Name: “This time will my husband be joined unto me” (Genesis 29:34)
Mother: Leah
Color: black, red, & white
Stone: bareqet (emerald?) (Exodus 28:17)
Associated symbol: chosen
Position around tabernacle: around (Numbers 2:17)
Banner: the color of his flag was a third white, a third black, and a third red; embroidered on it were the Urim and Thummim

Birth order: 4 (Genesis 29:35)
Hebrew name: יהודה
Transliterated: Yehudah
Meaning: Praise "I will praise"
Reason for Name: “Now I will praise the Lord” (Genesis 29:35)
Mother: Leah
Color: sky blue
Stone: carbuncle (turquoise?) (Exodus 28:18)
Associated symbol: lion (Genesis 49:9)
Position around tabernacle: east (Numbers 2:3-9)
Banner: the color of his flag resembled that of the heavens, embroidered on it was a lion.

Birth order: 5 (Genesis 30:5)
Hebrew name: דן
Transliterated: Dan (pronounced dahn)
Meaning: Judging "judged"/"vindicated"
Reason for Name: “God hath judged me” (Genesis 30:6)
Mother: Bilhah
Color: blue
Stone: sapphire (Exodus 28:18)
Associated symbol: judge/scales (Genesis 49:16), serpent (Genesis 49:17)
Position around tabernacle: north (Numbers 2:25-31)
Banner: the color of his flag was similar to sapphire; embroidered on it was a serpent

Birth order: 6 (Genesis 30:7)
Hebrew name: נפתלי
Transliterated: Naphtali
Meaning: Wrestling "wrestling"/ "twisting"
Reason for Name: “With great wrestlings have I wrestled with my sister” (Genesis 30:8)
Mother: Bilhah
Color: medium red
Stone: diamond (Exodus 28:18)
Associated symbol: hind/doe (Genesis 49:21)
Position around tabernacle: north (Numbers 2:25-31)
Banner: the color of his flag was like clarified wine of a not very deep red; on it was embroidered a hind

Birth order: 7 (Genesis 30:10-11)
Hebrew name: גד
Transliterated: Gad (pronounded gahd)
Meaning: Troop "fortunate"
Reason for Name: “Leah said, A troop cometh” (Genesis 30:11)
Mother: Zilpah
Color: black and white
Stone: jacinth (Exodus 28:19)
Associated symbol:
Position around tabernacle: south (Numbers 2:10-16)
Banner: the color of his flag was neither black nor white but a blend of black and white; on it was embroidered a camp

Birth order: 8 (Genesis 30:12-13)
Hebrew name: אשר
Transliterated: Asher (pronounded ah SHAIR)
Meaning: My happiness "happy"
Reason for Name: “Leah said, Happy am I” (Genesis 30:13)
Mother: Zilpah
Stone: agate (Exodus 28:19)
Associated symbol: abundant food (Genesis 49:20)
Position around tabernacle: north (Numbers 2:25-31)
Banner: the color of his flag was like the precious stone with which women adorn themselves embroidered thereon was an olive tree

Birth order: 9 (Genesis 30:18)
Hebrew name: יששכר
Transliterated: Yisachar
Meaning: A reward "wages"
Reason for Name: "God hath given me my reward" (Genesis 30:18)
Mother: Leah
Stone: amethyst (Exodus 28:19)
Associated symbol: donkey (Genesis 49:14)
Position around tabernacle: east (Numbers 2:3-9)
Banner: the color of his flag was black like stibium (antimony); embroidered on it were the sun and the moon.

Birth order: 10 (Genesis 30:19)
Hebrew name: זבולון
Transliterated: Zevulun
Meaning: Dwelling "gift"/"dwell"
Reason for Name: “Now will my husband dwell with me” (Genesis 30:20)
Mother: Leah
Color: white
Stone: beryl (Exodus 28:20)
Associated symbol: ships (Genesis 49:13)
Position around tabernacle: east (Numbers 2:3-9)
Banner: the color of his flag was white, with a ship embroidered on it.

Birth order: 11 (Genesis 30:22-23)
Hebrew name: יוסף
Transliterated: Yosef (pronounced YO sef)
Meaning: Adding "add another"
Reason for Name: “The Lord shall add to me another son” (Genesis 30:24)
Mother: Rachel
Color: black
Stone: onyx (Exodus 28:20)
Associated symbol: grapevine (Genesis 49:22)
Position around tabernacle: n/a (see Ephraim & Manasseh below)
Banner: the color of his flag was jet black; the embroidered design thereon for both princes Ephraim and Manasseh was Egypt because they were born there.

Birth order: 12 (Genesis 35:17)
Hebrew name: בנימין
Transliterated: Benyamin
Meaning: Son of my right hand "son of my right hand"
Reason for Name: “You are the son of my right hand” (Genesis 35:18)
Mother: Rachel
Color: mixed
Stone: jasper (Exodus 28:20)
Associated symbol: wolf (Genesis 49:27)
Position around tabernacle: west (Numbers 2:18-24)
Banner: the color of his flag was a combination of all the twelve colors; embroidered on it was a wolf.

"The Abrahamic Covenant"

Birth order: n/a
Hebrew name: אפרים
Transliterated: Efrayim
Meaning: "fruitful"
Mother: Asenath (Joseph's wife)
Associated symbol: bullock
Position around tabernacle: west (Numbers 2:18-24)
Banner: a bullock was embroidered on his flag.

Birth order: n/a
Hebrew name: מנשה
Transliterated: Menasheh
Meaning: "forgetfulness" (Exodus 41:51)
Mother: Asenath (Joseph's wife)
Associated symbol: wild ox
Position around tabernacle: west (Numbers 2:18-24)
Banner: a wild ox was embroidered on his flag.

#levit, levi, levit, #levi

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