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Comments 23

rainpuddle13 December 21 2005, 03:49:58 UTC
*dies* Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. I love it!!! *pats poor shopaholic Lucius*


nokomis305 December 21 2005, 04:51:18 UTC
You don't wear ribbons like his unless you really really like shopping, after all. :)


mynuet December 21 2005, 04:04:46 UTC
BWAH! Lucius, seduced by Walmart and presenting the Dark Lord with slippers. *dies*


nokomis305 December 21 2005, 04:41:09 UTC
*shifty eyes* Walmart? Don't know nothing bout no Walmart, yo.

*grins* None can resist its dark appeal. Not even Lucius Malfoy.


mynuet December 21 2005, 04:46:26 UTC
Maybe this is why he bought stock.


nokomis305 December 21 2005, 04:52:16 UTC
I think you're definitely onto something...

*giggles at mere memory of Forbes article*


lielabell December 21 2005, 04:06:16 UTC
OMG, that is cute! I couldn't help but giggle.


nokomis305 December 21 2005, 04:42:06 UTC
Thanks! *grins*


purple_mirie December 21 2005, 04:06:56 UTC
Lovely drabble. :D Who would have thought that all it took to tame a Malfoy was some bargain items?


nokomis305 December 21 2005, 04:44:56 UTC
Thanks! I'm sure no one can tell I spent time today shopping. Totally have come to the conclusion that you have to be evil to like it. :)


kirixchi December 21 2005, 04:18:31 UTC
Awww :D Rockin!

Hooray for the pink dragonskin handbag! I know that the snippet is for dragonsangel, but I'll pretend that bit was for me ;)


rainpuddle13 December 21 2005, 04:19:24 UTC
I suggesed the pink dragonskin handbag :)


kirixchi December 21 2005, 04:22:32 UTC
Awww :D *glow* well, you ROCK :D


nokomis305 December 21 2005, 04:47:56 UTC
Glad you liked it!!

And while rainpuddle13 did suggest the pink dragonskin handbag, I did think of you immediately. So pretending it was for you isn't too far off the mark. :)


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