Ficlet: Lies We Tell Ourselves

Mar 07, 2009 17:40

Title: Lies We Tell Ourselves
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Noah and Elle aren’t strangers to secrets. Not even those they keep from themselves.
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Heroes is not owned by me, but by Tim Kring. I’m simply borrowing these characters for non-profit entertainment.


Elle looked to her partner beside her in the motel bed. They had been on so many undercover overnight assignments. How had it been this one where one thing had led to another?

“Bennet?” she asked, glancing to him.

“Mm?” he asked, looking to the increasingly worried blonde.

“What we did, it doesn’t count, right? We didn’t do anything wrong, right?”

Immediately his thoughts, and brief panic, mirrored hers. “No. We’re on an assignment, perhaps we got a little carried away, but that’s all.”

“’Cause if my dad knew and Sandra, I know -”

“Hear me, Elle,” he stated as his gaze locked onto hers. “I did not cheat on my wife and you didn’t do anything your father needs to know about. What we did - We didn’t do anything.”

“Right,” she nodded, comforted. “You’re right, we just slept. In the same bed, nothing else. Just two partners on the job having to share a room, having to share a bed, nothing else, nothing more.”

“Exactly,” he quickly agreed as he let out a breath he didn’t realize until then he had been holding.

“Bennet?” she asked again, somewhat suddenly.

“Yes?” he sighed.

“You’re kind of on my underwear,” she told him, realizing she wouldn’t be able to tug her panties free from beneath his hip unless he rolled over or raised up from the mattress enough.

“I’m going to shower, we’re leaving when I get out,” Noah finally stated as he climbed out of the bed without looking to his equally nude companion.

She nodded in agreement, at least granting him the courtesy of waiting until he had closed the bathroom door behind himself before slipping her clothes back on; the last thing either of them needed right then was to further torture themselves or each other.

The End

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