Fic: (you will be the) Death of me

Nov 09, 2011 23:58

Title: (you will be the) Death of me
Fandom: Generation Kill.
Pairing: Brad/Nate.
Wordcount: 4,551
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: based on fictionalised characters as seen on a tv show. All fiction.
A/N: An AU based on Discworld's Mort. I don't even know, guys. Extended notes at the end of the story, because I clearly need to explain myself.

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nanowrimo '11, brad/nate, au, generation kill, fanfic

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Comments 24

discordantcat November 10 2011, 00:16:17 UTC
Your meds are the best. I want to read ALL OF THOSE.

And this was amazing. NATE!!!!!!!!!! Nobody can even handle you, Nate, you're just too awesome.


noelia_g November 10 2011, 06:46:13 UTC
I want to write all of those, which is probably more worrying :D

I think my first rule of writing GK is: Nate needs to be awesome. (Maybe second. First rule is: happy endings!)

Thanks so much for reading :)


hypertwink November 10 2011, 01:01:42 UTC

This must be a line from the books because it is just so perfect. You captured the humor and insanity that is Discworld. \o/

ETA: GK as The City Watch?! Awesome, so Brad's Carrot...then Nate's Angua. Nobby's Ray, of course! LOL


noelia_g November 10 2011, 06:49:07 UTC
I think it's an amalgamation of a lot of Death's lines... There could be one like that, but mostly I was just going with the general style :D Death = ♥

(Of all the phrases to write... this one is most worrying ;))

I don't quite like fitting everyone with set roles, they rarely work well (with some excellent exceptions, obviously). I think Brad never has the naivete of the early Carrot.... but the dwarf adoption was always a good bit :D.


slybrarian November 10 2011, 02:36:06 UTC
Encino Man is not nearly intelligent enough to be a troll. Although then again, it /would/ explain why he's so stupid, what with the desert heat and all.


noelia_g November 10 2011, 06:50:35 UTC
Depends which troll... I mean, Detritus grew to be pretty cunning (he's a cop, Vimes likes his sergeants smart). But yeah, the desert heat explains a lot :D


canadasuperhero November 10 2011, 04:15:44 UTC




If I could figure out how to make those happy faces all start spewing rainbows too, then that would be the most accurate representation of how this fic and your further ideas have left me.


noelia_g November 10 2011, 06:52:18 UTC
♥ so much.

And you can always use this:
... )


samescenes November 10 2011, 04:31:11 UTC
I think I'm one of the few people on the internet who hasn't read any Pratchett, but I found this hilarious and smart and accessible :D. And Brad with a scythe, I was just like, *___* yesssss this is what i've always waaaanted.


noelia_g November 10 2011, 06:55:35 UTC
I'm sure there are few others... But generally, Pratchett is LOVE. He's one of the very few authors to whom I can come back over and over again and always find something new in his books, some reference I've missed, a joke I didn't get, because I didn't know enough before. Enough of English language, enough of Shakespeare, enough of theoretical physics... ;) And yet they are still easily accessible and funny to everyone, I've started reading them in primary school, after all. (Mort was the first one I've read. Instant love :D)

I kind of like both Brad and Nate with any kind of pointy and sharp weapons. It could be a kink, but it's more like awesomesauce appreciation :D


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