A few happy-making things

Sep 20, 2009 00:32

Let's make a list!

1. Because K/S slash knows no bounds, here is a ficlet written by a 5-year-old girl. It just might be the cutest thing in the history of cuteness!

2. Got tix for A Steady Rain and Hamlet and I am NOT completely broke! Woohoo! (...but there can never be too much theatre. For example, who could say no to a punk rock Read more... )

music, southland, recs, plays, st xi, spn

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Comments 12

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no_detective September 20 2009, 06:41:40 UTC
You know, as I squeed in tartary-lamb's LJ, I initially thought that would be the level of subtext we'd get... and then they went SO MUCH DEEPER.


trepkos September 20 2009, 07:51:43 UTC
The K/S is hilarious!
And so spot on!


no_detective September 20 2009, 21:26:25 UTC
From the mouths of babes, my dear! :)


tartary_lamb September 20 2009, 17:57:50 UTC
a) You can't expect me to form coherent sentences when you post using that icon. It just isn't possible. I mean, come on. What are you trying to do, here?

But yeah, you're totally right about Cas feeling more at home in his own skin. I actually think at this point that, when Cas was resurrected, he was brought back alone. This is God we're talking about and, frankly, there's no reason Jimmy should have to still be stuck in there.

So, using my much beloved fanwank, it's his body now, which is kind of awesome.

b) The K/S is so adorable. There are no words.

c) I really, really need to catch up on Southland.


no_detective September 20 2009, 23:15:31 UTC
a) HIS FAAAAACE OMG. I stare at this icon a lot, not gonna lie.

It is my understanding that Jimmy got totally exploded (molars ahoy!) when Cas got yanked out and beaten up by the archangel. And when God resurrected him, he probably just gave him the same form Cas used to walk the earth - but I honestly don't think that's Jimmy's body anymore. And if that matches the fanon's way of working around those pesky consent issues while inhabiting someone's body, well, I SAY WE WERE RIGHT. :D

b) It really is! They're not gross! Jim likes movies with fish! Oh, from the mouths of babes. ♥

c) I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Southland is an EXCELLENT show. Let me know if you need linkage and such. :)


alizarin_nyc September 20 2009, 22:12:21 UTC
ARG! I wanna see Hamlet and yet have no funds. *sad face* I may try to drop by the theater for last minute tix if I can, a few times.

First of all: I was STUCK IN CAPSLOCK FOR 24 HOURS after seeing that.

I just saw that video clip today and OMGOMGOMG. WHAT? And with the... oil... and OH COME ON. They must have known what they were doing with that scene. Please. *grin*


no_detective September 20 2009, 23:25:37 UTC
When I went to get tix for Hamlet, the only $25 seats they had left were for Thanksgiving Day. Which is OK since I don't really do Thanksgiving, but - still.

AND THAT CLIP. HOLY SHIT. As tartary-lamb said, it's Kripke's version of saying "Hey fangirls, we kinda made fun of you, so HERE'S SOME BARELY SUBTEXTUAL SLASH - KNOCK YOURSELVES OUT."

Oh, and also, since you've seen some Southland, you should definitely read this EPIC and UNBEARABLY HOT fic by hackthis. It's Cooper/Sherman - really long and porny and OMG SO GOOD.


alizarin_nyc September 21 2009, 02:01:04 UTC
Just tell me again who Cooper and Sherman are... I know... I wasn't very focused on the NAMES and stuff. I really sort of honed in on Regina King, to be honest.

Are they the two white guys? Who have 9-1-1 duty? Those were some hilarious scenes.

I tried to get 25.00 tix online and that was a total waste of a half hour. Then I begged Asi to buy me ONE ticket, ONE, for my 40th birthday and he was like, "nah." But dude, I brought out the big guns!

I think it's fair to say Kripke and Co. are breaking new ground with their nods to fandom. And I have to say I like it.


no_detective September 21 2009, 02:42:36 UTC
Cooper is the training officer (canonically gay); Sherman is the kid from the O.C. whom he's training. I think you should see the first few eps to truly appreciate the slash factor. :)

Oh, hon, that sucks about Hamlet. And all of the remaining tix are over $100 - wtf, Broadway?


disprove September 21 2009, 01:42:23 UTC
Hee, that clip nearly killed me the moment I saw it. I completely missed the oil thing the first time around, but *that* line had me giggling immediately.


What makes it even funnier is that it's as if Dean was reflexively expecting something flirtatious back--I mean, it's a pick up line, so it would only be natural--but was completely nonplussed that it completely flew over Castiel's head. "I thought I'd sit here quietly." Oh, Cas.


no_detective September 21 2009, 03:17:39 UTC
I had brunch with another fangirl today and I described this clip to her line-by-line... which is when I realized I'd watched it so many times, I've MEMORIZED IT.

Oh, show. ♥


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