Scott's Emma 4

Dec 25, 2009 17:29

Title: Scott’s Emma (Part 4, Final Part)

Author: Alsike

Fandom: X-Men/Criminal Minds x-over

Pairing: Emma/Emma, Emma/Scott, Emma/Emily, Emily/JJ

Rating: NC-17

AN/Disclaimer: Not my girls.

Word Count: 2156

Prompt: 032. Anal Sex

Apologies: Happy Christmas/Boxing Day! Sorry, I’ve run out of smut in this part. L

It was actually a nice date. Emma was impressed. Scott was making an effort to actually talk about interesting things (i.e. the school) and not horribly dull things (i.e. whether or not Skrulls were likely to invade again). It was too bad she was having a difficult time paying attention, with the image of Emily, skirt hiked up, black lace garters and fishnets, head tipped back, and coming so hard around her cock, fixed in her frontal lobe.

And then things started happening, without her consent, and Scott was kneeling on the floor, with a box, with a ring, and utter panic took over.

She must have managed to say something like, ‘I’ll think about it,’ because she was out of there, the box in her hand, and clinging to the door handle.

He wanted to marry her. Emma couldn’t even think, she just acted. A small bag of clothes, a phone call and she was out of the mansion and on her way to Washington DC.

* * *

“What are you doing here? How did you get my address?” Emily’s eyes were wide and panicked. Emma hadn’t expected that reception. But she wouldn’t be turned away.

“I’m a telepath!” She snapped. “It’s not that hard when I can read your mind!”

“I can’t.” Emily clenched her fists. “I can’t have you here!”

“I need you to fuck me.”

“Get out!”

“You owe me!” Emma shoved her into her house and onto the couch. She shut the door and locked it. Emily was furious. “I fucked you better than you’ve ever been fucked before. I came at your call like a fucking dog, and you’re sending me away?”

“Fine! I owe you. But I can’t do this anymore.”

Emma pulled out the box, and opened it. “Tell me what this is.”

Emily stared, her face going pale. “It’s a ring.”

“Scott gave it to me.”


Emma looked sharply at her. She hadn’t expected that tone, or the knot of complexity in her head.

“And I can’t… I can’t decide because Scott is everything I thought I wanted, until…”

Emily looked at her, desperate. “Don’t say it.”

“You were everything to her,” Emma said weakly. “I… I didn’t know I was capable of that, of feelings like that. But there’s you…”

“Don’t say that.” Emily cut her off. “Don’t say it because it’s not true. You don’t love me. You don’t even know me. I am a good fuck, and you and your stupid appreciation for sex ruined me for normal intimacy, but I am trying so hard to get over it.” She shook her head. “But you… you can’t come here and say those things. Just marry him. Marry him and leave me alone!”

“You didn’t meet her, you didn’t know…”

“In some other world you could have been my everything, but you’re not. You’re the woman I call when I want sex that’s too kinky for my girlfriend to give me. That’s all you are, and you will never be more than that. You are a selfish person. You cheat and don’t even think twice about it. I can’t make that part of my life.”

“I could make you need me.”

Emily stared straight at her. There weren’t any barriers to her thoughts. It felt like a dare. “You made JJ forget. I was grateful at the time. But it’s not fair, Emma. I deserve to be punished for my mistakes. And you are a mistake.”

“You are a glutton for punishment, aren’t you, darling?” Emma’s eyes narrowed. “I could give you more of that than you could ever deserve.”

“Don’t threaten me. I can’t fight you. I have no power over you. But don’t come here and tell me you love me when all you want is a way out of a situation you got yourself into. If you don’t want Scott, then leave him. But don’t leave him for me.”

“I didn’t… come here for that. I just wanted…”

“To know if I really was as good as you remembered?” Emily shook her head. “What difference would it make? I’m cutting you off. And I can’t say I’ve known you for a long time, but would being married actually stop you from sleeping around?”

Emma looked away. “I never wanted it. It never interested me. But I had never imagined that it would be possible to weigh the odds and choose to stay with someone. That the risk was greater than the potential for pleasure.”

“I never asked that of you.”

“Of course not,” Emma flashed her a wry grin. “That’s just the irony of it. You were a perfect affair. No strings, no demands and no… restrictions. If it weren’t for my irritating double, I could have been satisfied with that. I could have approached this rationally, weighing the benefits versus the alternatives. But no, you’ve made me act insane.”

Emily shook her head. “It’s just, even if I weren’t already with someone, I don’t know if I would choose to be with you. You’re not what I want. I know we… connect sexually. But I’ve had relationships like that before. It’s not enough.”

“Oh, honestly-“

“No! If I gave her up, then what? Would you leave Scott for me? Would you leave your job, your life, your superherodom because I wanted you to? Of course not.”

“Fine. If that’s what you think of me, then I have my answer. I thought that maybe it could be better, maybe I could have someone who I could be satisfied with, whose company I liked rather than tolerated. But it is clear that I could never be that person for you and I should give up.”

Emma turned and walked out, the door shutting with a brisk click behind her. Emily sagged onto the couch.

None of this seemed real or even possible. How could she just come in here like that, and make something that was barely an encounter, not even a real affair, something undeniably wrong, sound like it could be… everything.

* * *

It wasn’t until the next day at work that Emily realized she had underestimated exactly how much of a bitch Emma could be.

JJ came in, talking and laughing with Reid, carrying coffee. She looked over to where Emily was sitting and smiled, and then suddenly her eyes widened and a horrified expression crossed her face, as if she were recovering an awful memory. Her coffee hit the floor and exploded.

“Oh fuck.”

To sum up, there was a lot of yelling and some crying, and Emily abasing herself generally. Reid was shocked. Morgan disapproved. Garcia crashed all of Emily’s electronic equipment. Hotch finally threw the whole team out until they could stop making a scene at the work place. Hotch barked at Emily to stop screwing her colleagues, which was rather unfair, as the plural was completely unfounded.

It was awful, but not underserved.

* * *

“It’s pretty clear Scott, that marriage is your way of signaling the end of a relationship. If that’s what you want, then let’s do it without the hassle.”

Emma handed him back the ring. He looked shocked and hurt.

“I know I haven’t been the best of husbands in the past.” Emma snorted. “But they were a mistake!”

“No. This is a mistake. I, unlike some people, know a mistake when I see one. Particularly when I have a physical repulsion to the prospect. How about instead of making idiotic decisions, let’s try some honesty. How many times have you cheated on me since Jean died?”

Scott stiffened and looked offended. It was rather amusing that he had the same reaction for being guilty as for being innocent. “I wouldn’t-“

“No. The correct response is, ‘I haven’t, because I know you don’t have any of Jean’s little issues of ‘privacy’ and thus have been too terrified to do so.’”

Scott’s mouth turned even farther down in his ‘upset face.’

“Now tell me how many times you could have cheated.” She waited. “You don’t know?” Emma narrowed her eyes. “Every single time you wanted to. I would not have cared. You are not important to me. Now it’s your turn, ask me.”

“Ask you what?”

“Ask me how many times I’ve cheated on you.”

“What!” And finally his face went red. “With who?”

“You want me to remember names?” Emma rolled her eyes. “And it’s ‘with whom.’”

“But- but I-”

“Now ask me how many of them were better than you? No? All of them. But there was only one that I would have left you for.”

Scott stared at her for a long time. “This isn’t… you leaving me?”

“No. I’m giving you an opportunity to see the world without your rose tinted goggles on. I am giving you an opportunity to rethink your idiocy.” She glanced pointedly at the velvet box in his hand. “But I’m not going anywhere. If you’re going to be bitter and jealous and try to get me fired, it’s your loss. Right now, with Jean dead and the Professor gone, I’m the only telepath you’ve got. Weigh your duty to your team against your pride. You do it often enough. I’ve respected you enough to tell you the truth, even if you don’t deserve it.”

“Did you ever care for me?”

“Of course,” Emma said, as if it weren’t an uncomfortable confession. “But caring for someone and sexual exclusivity have never been particularly closely related for me. They need… separate motivations.”

She left then, not wanting to suffer through his period of processing. She couldn’t help but consider that she actually was more like her double than she had assumed.

“I’m in love with her, but all that means is I get upset when we fight, and I don’t freak out when she’s in my bed in the morning. The sex is astonishingly consistent, whatever else is going on.”

* * *

It took about a week of anguish, but eventually Emily called her mother. “Hi, do you have Tony Stark’s number? I’m trying to get in contact with someone I met at his party.”

“Really, darling? Anyone I ought to know about?”

“No. Most definitely not.”

“Well, well,” said Tony, with a clearly audible grin on his face. “Would my dear Emma appreciate me giving you her number, or should I expect punishment?”

“Um, which would you prefer?”

Tony laughed. “Either one is fine.”

“Do you, er, know if she’s… engaged to Scott?”

There was a long pause. “What?” Tony yelped. “She had better not be, or I will make certain of it!”

“Oh, so you haven’t heard anything then. Good.”

It took another few days to get up the nerve to dial the number she had procured. And even then she still hadn’t quite decided whether the whole thing was a terrible idea or not yet (although she was tending towards the idea that it was).

It rang four times and then was finally answered with a rather incredulous and very cold, “Emily?”

“Hi,” Emily said weakly. “I’m not calling you for sex.”

Emma snorted, although she managed to sound offended while doing so, which was a feat.

“I… may have been hasty in some of the things I said the last time I saw you.”

“I’m not interested in apologies.”

“This isn’t an apology,” Emily replied flatly, and then winced at the way that sounded. “I mean… I could be right, and you could be exactly the sort of person I don’t want to be with. But I really don’t think I can hold the cheating over your head. I’m not that hypocritical.”

“I’m still uncertain of why you’ve called.”

“Well, I sort of, um, have found myself unattached.”

“She didn't forgive you then.”

“That was unnecessary, Emma. I may have deserved it, but she didn’t.”

“Well, sometimes you get what you don’t deserve.”

Emily laughed, although it hadn’t been intended as a joke. “That’s sort of what I’m banking on.”

“Is it?” Emma’s voice had dropped a few tones, which was a positive sign.

“So I… made a lot of assumptions without really knowing you very well. And I think you did too. You might… find me really irritating if you knew me better. But I thought it wouldn’t be a bad thing if we did try and-“

“Get to know each other better?” Emma asked with a mild hint of sarcasm in her tone.

“It’s not a terrible idea!”

“Just admit it. The fact that I took my vengeance on you really turned you on.”

“Shut up.”

Emma snickered. “I have to be in DC for a business meeting next week. Shall I pencil you in?”

Emily leaned back against the wall and almost let herself smile. “Yeah, that will be good.”

“Should I… bring anything?”

“You are deliberately misinterpreting the purpose of this meeting!”

“But if it goes well I want to be prepared!”



Extra Smut Edition: Part 5!

criminal minds, nc-17, x-men, au, emma/emily

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