[Drabble] Too close to home

Feb 25, 2010 17:19

TITLE: Too close to home
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Jenny Shepard, Jethro Gibbs
GENRE: Het, General, Angst, Pre-Series
SUMMARY: Shopping in Paris … Heaven on earth for Jenny, but a living hell for Jethro, until she starts looking for postcards ... Written for challenge #102 "Secrets" for ncisdrabble100 and day #04 "postcard" for ncisdaily.
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fandom: ncis, ncis: jenny shepard, community: ncisdaily, ncis: jethro gibbs, community: ncisdrabble100, fanart: drabble

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Comments 17

marciafan February 25 2010, 13:15:22 UTC
Awww, this was cute and completely heartbreaking at the end. Made me think of how I've wanted to explore Jen's relationship with her father for weeks now. I think her getting close to Jethro had a lot to do with it, despite the physical attraction that was obviously there.
Jethro was military just like Jasper, and we all know how fatherly Gibbs can be. And it's not uncommon for women to be attracted by older men who resemble their, often missing, father.
Maybe I will write something about it, who knows. But I'm digressing lol. Sorry *blushes and hides*


nicis_anatomy February 25 2010, 14:28:45 UTC
Thank you. I tried to avoid angst, but in the end ... well, you know me ... It didn't work ;)
And I like your way of thinking. Actually, that's exactly what I think too. Many women chose men that are like their father and the similarities between Jasper and Jethro are definitely there and obvious. I'm sure Jenny was looking for someone to look up to, someone she could make proud, someone who toldl her how proud he was of her and what she'd done. And probie!Jen had this someone. And later, director!Jen was still trying to get Jethro's attention and to make him proud of what she did and who she'd become ... Sadly, he hardly ever managed to show it (and when he did, in his own special way she may - or may not - have noticed).


marciafan February 25 2010, 14:34:40 UTC
Well, you are the Queen of Angst, so it's all good!
I may or may not write a little character's study about that... although I want to finish my current projects first. I'm currently working on something that I think you will like =)


nicis_anatomy February 25 2010, 14:45:20 UTC
Well, I like everything you write, so I'm sure I will ;) Is it Trenny?
And you should write that character study one day. I'm sure it would be interesting. But I can understand that you want to finish your WIPs first.


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nicis_anatomy February 25 2010, 17:56:42 UTC
Thank you ;) I'm glad you liked it!


ami_ven February 25 2010, 21:56:45 UTC
Cute, and then a little sad, but definitely wonderful!


nicis_anatomy February 26 2010, 07:32:06 UTC
Thank you. I couldn't avoid the angst. Don't know why ... it just happens most of the time. But I'm glad you still liked it ;)


cyad February 25 2010, 22:46:30 UTC
aww... that was so cute yet sad-ish ending.

Speaking of Jibbs... heading Paris tomorrow for an almost WE. Will surely think of you. And Jibbs. And Trenny... And Kate... just because! ;)


nicis_anatomy February 26 2010, 07:33:26 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.

Paris? Oh, now I'm jealous ... *wants to go, too* I hope you enjoy the trip and the weather is good enough to spend the weekend outside. *hugs you*


cyad March 1 2010, 11:07:19 UTC
The trip was awesome and weather was sunny yet windy and cold but, it was so wonderful. *sigh* Didn't have the time to do and see everything I wanted but, it felt great. :)

Hope you had a fantastic WE! :)


nicis_anatomy March 1 2010, 11:17:13 UTC
Oh, you're back ... I was worried last night when I saw the pictures of the coast. I hope this wasn't in your area ...
My weekend was okay, too. Saturday was relax!day and yesterday we celebrated my brother's birthday and my mom's not!birthday (she's born on February, 29)


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nicis_anatomy March 7 2010, 08:57:00 UTC
Thank you! Yes, I think one of their problems was that they didn't talk. They immediately went from co-workers to lovers and skipped the dating/getting to know each other part. It's sad, but I'm sure that was one of the reasons why it didn't work out. They had a great time, they had fun, they knew each other good enough to do these things you mentioned, and they never forgot it, but a relationship does not only happen in bed ... You have to work to make it last, and that's what both of them didn't do :(


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