[Oneshot] Love Potion No.9

Feb 24, 2010 17:06

TITLE: Love Potion No.9
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Tim McGee/Abby Sciuto
GENRE: pre-het, General, Humor, Romance
SUMMARY: Abby is working on a strange experiment and McGee offers his help, although he is not sure how to think about this experiment at all … Written for day #02 "Unicorn" for ncisdaily.
WARNINGS: English still isn' ( Read more... )

fandom: ncis, community: ncisdaily, ncis: abby_mcgee, fanart: fanfiction

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Comments 12

nakeisha February 24 2010, 14:24:12 UTC
This is really good; really, really good. Truly it is.

It's totally in character throughout, both with Tim and Abby and also with his thoughts about Tony and Ziva and who'd get to kill Tony first as he went on babbling.

And so very Timmy to want to help Abby like that and to find a way. I loved the explanation about courage and how it could be the missing ingredient and your explanation - perfect.

You did get the name in *g* Well done.

This really is a great story. *Save to HD*


nicis_anatomy February 24 2010, 16:09:05 UTC
Wow, really?? Thank you!! I'm a bit shocked, because I didn't think it would be good at all. It's hard to write a pairing for a first time and when it's with characters you normally don't write, it's even harder. I'm glad it worked and wasn't too ooc ;)
Thank you!

Actually, I had no idea what to do with this prompt and I'm not even sure, if this blood is necessary for a love potion, but it was the only idea I could come up with. And the courage part ... well, that was what I started with, because I think it is true. In the end everything works out because you do something and not because you used some potion or whatever.

Yes, I got the name in. Funny ... it was a typo in the beginning and then it worked in the end ;)

Thank you again. I'm relieved and glad that it was okay. Now I need to find something for "simpsons" *sighs*.


nakeisha February 25 2010, 12:48:08 UTC
LJ for some reason decided not to send me this until today *Eyes LJ*

Yes, really. You're welcome. I speak only the truth. I know that feeling and it wasn't OOC at all.

It worked really well, truly it did. That is very true indeed, it does.

A happy accident, the best kind.

You're welcome again. Good luck! Although from what you've said on Twitter, assuming you're writing them in order you did find something.


nicis_anatomy February 25 2010, 12:54:10 UTC
LJ is acting a bit weird (again) lately :( I hope it won't be as bad as it was a few weeks ago (again) ... *sighs and stares at it*

Thank you ;) I guess it's one of these things again, when the things I don't like at all others like more than other things I like, too *g*

No, I have skipped day 3 and wrote "postcard" today, although I think I can work the Simpsons in the WIP I had started to write for "cellphone". It is a Jenny, Carson oneshot and maybe I can just mention that Carson wanted to watch the Simpsons on Tv, when Jen brought him to her house that night (and that Jenny watched it with him and didn't like it - or something). That should be okay for this prompt ...
We will see. Maybe I can finish that one over the weekend.


toomuchfandom February 24 2010, 15:29:31 UTC
pst, march 2 is next week!

but it's awesome:D

I'm writing a Kensi unicorn fic:D


nicis_anatomy February 24 2010, 16:03:55 UTC
I know. That's why I didn't post it to the community and f-locked it ;)

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. Good luck with your story!


ami_ven February 24 2010, 21:42:12 UTC
Very cute- only Abby would try making a love potion with science!


nicis_anatomy February 25 2010, 10:27:13 UTC
Thank you ;) Yeah, I guess Abby would do these kind of things ... But I'm not sure, if she ever read the Harry Potter books. I know, Tim and Ziva did. But Abby ...?


(The comment has been removed)

nicis_anatomy February 25 2010, 10:30:16 UTC
They are cute together, aren't they.
Thank you! It doesn't happen too often that I can write fluff, but I try ;)


weird_fin March 2 2010, 15:22:28 UTC
Lovely, cute and adorable. :)


nicis_anatomy March 2 2010, 17:35:10 UTC
That's what I was hoping for. Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.


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