[Drabble] Too Late

Feb 21, 2010 12:35

TITLE: Too Late
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Jethro Gibbs
GENRE: Gen, Angst, Episode tag (for 5.18 "Judgment Day")
SUMMARY: His hesitation might have cost him his last chance to ever hear her voice again ... Written for challenge #175 "Jenny Shepard" for ncisdrabble100 and day #01 for ncisdaily.
WARNINGS: English still isn't my native language ( ( Read more... )

fandom: ncis, community: ncisdaily, ncis: jethro gibbs, community: ncisdrabble100, fanart: drabble

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Comments 18

toomuchfandom February 21 2010, 11:51:34 UTC
Wow! Awesome! *speechless*


nicis_anatomy February 21 2010, 12:08:56 UTC
Oh, thank you!! I'm glad it worked that way ;)


katie087 February 21 2010, 11:52:35 UTC
Aw I loved this. Amazingly heartbreaking and so well written. It was nice to kind of see Gibbs' reaction to the news. I felt like we never got to see what he went through losing Jenny on the show. And it would have been a massive loss to him. I also liked how you had words fail Tony at that time and he had to hand the phone over. And even Ziva couldn't hide her emotion this time. It just goes to show what a massive shock and what a massive loss this was to all concerned. including the viewers

Fantastic job!


nicis_anatomy February 21 2010, 12:11:46 UTC
Thank you!! I'm really glad you liked it - although it is sad and nothing you would want to start (or in your case, end) a Sunday with. I have no idea where this came from, but I had always the feeling that something was missing. We saw that Jethro was sad and Ziva had cried, but I would've liked to see more. But that's what fanfiction are for ;)
Thank you!


marciafan February 21 2010, 11:52:37 UTC
*dries tears and tries to stop sobbing*
Oh God...so utterly beautiful and SO SAD! You managed to have Jibbs and (kind of) Jiva angst, you are a master at this! Thank you so much for this piece of angsty fic, as weird as it sounds, it did make my day lol!


nicis_anatomy February 21 2010, 12:14:14 UTC
*offers a tissue and an Abby-hug*

This made your day? And I was afraid it would kill your Sunday *is relieved* I'm glad it didn't work that way. Jibbs and Jiva? Hm, that wasn't the plan, but I think it could be read as friendship or more (whatever you like to see). Thank you!!
Guess that kinda makes me Queen of Angst again? ;)


marciafan February 21 2010, 13:18:10 UTC
You ALWAYS are the Queen of Angst *hugs you tightly*


nicis_anatomy February 21 2010, 14:54:56 UTC
But last week I had the feeling I would lose that title. Because I hardly wrote anything angst-y *g*
*takes title back and puts it on the wall above the monitor* Now, I need an icon for that ...


cyad February 21 2010, 15:36:41 UTC
OMG, that was so heartwrenching but totally believable. Angsty-poor Gibbs. and, I think Tony handling the phone to Ziva could totally have happened.

thx for sharing. :)


nicis_anatomy February 21 2010, 15:46:56 UTC
Thank you ;) I'm glad you think it's believable. I always felt there was something missing and this morning I was suddenly in the mood to fill the gap ;)


cyad February 21 2010, 16:28:11 UTC
it's really believable and I'm real glad you filled the gap! :)


ami_ven February 22 2010, 02:12:23 UTC
This is fantastically sad! I can completely believe that this is what happened.


nicis_anatomy February 22 2010, 09:07:18 UTC
Thank you so much!! That means a lot to me *hugs*


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